Community Activities Sports–Season Changes

by Justin Wah (Community Activities Office)

Dear Community Parents,

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey we sent out through the CAO a few weeks ago.

After compiling survey results, meeting with League Commissioners, and  discussions with the Athletic Department, it has led to the decision to change next years Community Activity Sports seasons to the following order:

BYS Soccer (Aug-Nov)

BBSA Baseball/Softball (Nov-Feb)

NBBL Basketball (Mar-May)

We understand that BYS will now be played in a season that traditionally has more rain in the afternoons.  Obviously, this will have an effect on training.  We have made gym space available for afternoons when it rains and its not possible to train outdoors.  It will be important that players get into the habit of bringing two pairs of shoes for training (one pair for indoor training, one pair for outdoor training).

BYS registration is now open, please go to the following link to register your child for the new BYS season.  If you have not paid your fees for this years season, please do so, before registering for next years season.

A huge THANK YOU to all the parents that donate their time to make these activities happen and your continued support of ISB’s Community Activities.


Justin Wah

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