Middle School Math Placement Guidelines for Next Year’s Grades 7 and 8 Students

Dear Parents of Present 6 and 7th Grade Students,

We’d like to inform you of the math placement guidelines we will be following to place students in the appropriate math program in grades 7 and 8 for the next school year.

Why are all students not placed into the same math program?

We know that children develop cognitively at differing rates just as they develop physically at different rates.  We also know that the developmental readiness of a student is an important factor in determining the type of math in which a student will be successful.  All our students eventually develop the cognitive ability to deal with higher levels of abstract thinking. However, they do not all develop this ability at the same time.  Developmental readiness is not a measure of intelligence, but is a measure of the developing maturity of student thinking skills.  Thus, our Grade 7 and 8 Math Programs were specifically designed to provide appropriate and challenging math opportunities for all students.  Grade 7 and 8 each contain three separate core math programs.  By providing these different core programs in both grades 7 and 8, we believe we will be able to provide a challenging math curriculum, based on readiness, for all students.

What are the different math options for students in grades 7 and 8 next year?

Grade 7 Math 7 Math 7 Advanced Math 7 Algebra 1
Grade 8 Math 8 Math 8 Algebra 1 Math 8 Accelerated Geometry

How will students be placed in grades 7 and 8 for their math?

The MS Math Department and Admin will meet before the end of the school year and review the following for each student and make placements taking into account the following:

  • Algebra Predictor score for students being considered for Algebra
  • End-of-Year Math Assessments
  • HAL scores on end of year report cards
  • MAP scores and growth shown on the MAP assessments (Fall to Spring)
  • Standards-based grades on semester report cards
  • Teacher recommendations

When will placements be made?

Based on the information above, all students will be placed by the end of this school year into the Math Program we feel is best for each student for the coming school year in August.  Your child’s math placement for August will be sent home in June as part of his/her Semester 2 Report Card.

Is this placement final?

No!  During the first week of school in August, all students will be taking the pre-assessment for the math course they are placed in.  At that time, any student who performs significantly well on the pre-assessment, will be considered for possible shifting into the next math program level.

Our goal is to have a Middle School Math Program that provides opportunities for us to challenge each student at their level of readiness and to enrich their study of math.  It is our ultimate goal at ISB Middle School to foster in all students a love of Mathematics together with the conviction and confidence that they can enroll in, and master, the most challenging Mathematics in high school and university.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.


Dr. Troy Regis, MS Mathematics Department Head

Maurilio Baron-Toaldo, MS Vice-Principal

Tom Burgess, MS Principal

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