Grief Support Groups

The middle school guidance counselors will be offering support groups for students in need of support following the death of Patrick Haney.  The intent is to further support the students as they deal with their feelings associated with Patricks’ death.  The groups will be facilitated by Ellen Bagnato and/or Kevin Davy, the Middle School Counselors.  The goal of the group is not to provide therapy.  Rather, our goals for the group are as follows:

  • Discuss the stages of grieving and common reactions to the death of a close friend or relative.
  • Discuss ways to take care of self during the healing period

Support groups will begin next week (May 13) and continue for a total of 3 sessions.  By signing your child up, he/she commits to attending all 3 sessions.  It is important that attendance is consistent in order for us to attain our goals and assess if further support may be necessary for your son/daughter.  In order to participate, students must have parent permission.  To give permission, you may stop by the middle school guidance office and sign a permission slip or email the middle school counselors directly at or

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