Counseling Newsletter

Debbie McDowell

Students are beginning to plan for their finals.  All students have received their final exam schedule.  Please have a conversation with your child about the timing of his/her exam and the study plan he/she has in place.  If your child does not know the timing of his/her exams please have them come to the high school office to get another copy.

Are you Moving?  If you know that your family will be moving after the end of the school year, please contact your child’s counselor and the HS registrar. There are several forms that must be completed before the child can be checked out of school.  The check out must be completed before final transcripts can be sent to you and/or receiving schools.

Girls Rising  Ms McDowell and 8 high school young ladies attended the screening for Girls Rising at KIS on Tuesday.  It was an inspiring film that started a spirited discussion about what our girls/school could do to lift up other girls with education.

ISB Summer Internship  The Summer Internship Program starts with workshops on resume building and interview skills.  Students, who want to take part in the program, must attend these two programs.  These sessions will take place on Monday, May 27, and Wednesday, May 29.  You’ll learn a lot!  See Khun Mai in the High School office to choose your preferences for a summer internship.  Ask Mr. Callahan if you have any questions.

Parent Workshop 

Dr. Jom, from Marek Clinic, will conduct a workshop Sunday the 30th of June 2013. The workshop will be in Thai and the topic is “Tips to raising a happy and successful child in the changing world”. The talk will be at JW Marriott Sukhumvit soi 2, and it will run from 9:00am – 4:00pm. This event is hosted by the Arrowhead Training and Development (ATD) team. We feel that this workshop will be useful for most Thai parents in International Schools as well as Thai schools. Interested parents and participants are to register or contact the ATD for more information. They can be contacted on
02-314-6291 or . Their website is

SeniorsAre deeply involved in their IB exams.  The counselors send their best wishes to the students!

Waitlists:   Some students have been placed on a waitlist for admissions.  This means that currently, the university has admitted all of the students it can, but your son/daughter is eligible for admissions.  If after the May 1 deadline, the university may find that it can admit more students and your student might get an offer.  If a student is still interested in staying on the waitlist, he/she should contact the university.

Transition is just around the corner:   Seniors – there are two days of transitions activities, May 23 and June 5.  On May 23rd, students will arrive at 7:20 and have planned activities during the day.  If your senior has not completed the survey on Naviance to choose the sessions they want to attend by today, the sessions will be selected for them.  Please check with your child to see if he/she has already done this! This is a wonderful opportunity for Seniors to have a stress-free fun day at school where they learn about what to expect in the next phase of their lives.  The June 5th is for Senior Breakfast, Grad Panel and graduation practice.  Both days should prove to be fun and exciting and perhaps a little bit sad as they realize that high school has almost come to an end.

Seniors:  Seniors applying to universities in Japan, Korea, Australia, South Africa etc. with late deadlines, PLEASE be aware of those deadlines.  They can vary from university to university!! See your counselor if you have any questions.


Junior Seminar #4:  Was held on Wednesday and Thursday each week. The counselors reviewed the concepts covered in sessions 1 through 3 and spent time talking to students about application procedures for next year. Students must research the requirements for each school to which they plan to apply.  Students interested in medical, dental and veterinary science in the UK must sign up and take the required exams prior to school starting next year.  If your child has questions, please encourage him/her to visit with the counselor.

Junior Conferences: Junior Conferences should have been completed by this time. Juniors should be doing their research to find the schools that they feel most fit their needs for further education.  Some students will be going on university visits this summer and should check information in their University Application Handbook to maximize their experience during a visit.

SAT preparation: Remember, Juniors may practice for the SAT for FREE using Prep-Me on Naviance.  The directions for that (which you may want to share with your son/daughter) are:

Click on the PrepMe icon on the home page of Naviance to access the steps PrepMe will guide you through:
Step 1:  Complete your diagnostic tests
Step 2:  Select your test date
Step 3:  Begin your studying
Step 4:  Connect with Tutors for Q & A (through live chat or email)

Freshman:  Some grade 9 students were unable to meet with his/her counselor due to counselors being out of the office last Friday.  Those students will meet with his/her counselor on Tuesday next week to review the year by looking back at goals set at the beginning of the school year.  Counselors have spoken or will speak with the students about their current progress in their classes as well as preparation for the upcoming final exams.


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