ISB Communication Single Page View

Physical Activity in Hot Weather

by Dr. Andrew Davies

Dear ISB Community,

Following last Thursday’s tragedy, a number of parents have expressed concerns relating to children participating in physical activity outdoors in the heat. We fully understand these concerns and I will do my best to address them below.

First, we know that Patrick’s passing was due to a rare heart condition. Patrick played in a soccer game of two 15-minute periods, with a 5-minute water break in between. The game commenced in the afternoon at 4:05pm. Patrick was a fit and very capable young athlete. The tragedy involving Patrick was not a result of strenuous activity in extreme heat.

Second, we do know that physical activity in hot conditions can have serious consequences and that these are very preventable. This begs the very understandable question of what ISB does to safeguard student well being during physical activity in hot conditions.  Please see a list of current safeguards below:

1.      ISB hires trained and experienced physical education teachers that understand the dangers of heat and recognize the early warning signs of heat stress.

2.      Lessons are adjusted according to the conditions with more frequent water breaks and close monitoring during hot weather.

3.      School nurses are always available during physical education classes and during school sponsored athletics.

4.      Every PE station/athletics area has iced water available.

5.      PE uniforms are made of modern fabrics that assist in cooling the body.

6.      ISB regularly trains and retrains staff in CPR and First Aid.

7.      The school has four automated external defibrillator (AEDs) and these are strategically placed around campus.

8.      Students are educated as to the importance of drinking water and to inform a teacher if they feel unwell either prior to or during physical activity.

9.      Recess for ES students is monitored by Instructional Assistants and teachers on duty. ES students that play in the sun must wear hats.

Third, are we sure that we are following best practices and that we have everything possible in place to ensure that students are as safe as possible? To answer this question, we have set up a review committee to thoroughly review our practices and procedures related to student safety and the issue of exercise and heat will be a significant component of this. This review will involve outside experts and will examine (among other aspects) school supervised physical activity, community sponsored physical activity, and unsupervised physical activity when students come on campus to play. We will examine activities that take place in the school day, after school, in the evenings, on the weekends, and off campus

While we await the conclusions of this review, we ask the ISB community to rest assured that student safety will be our paramount concern. To this end:

1.      In Physical Education classes and school sponsored athletics we will continue to closely monitor students and ensure regular water and shade breaks are taken.

2.      Lesson and coaching plans will be adjusted according to the conditions.

3.      In community-sponsored sports, games have been adjusted to encompass regular water breaks and coaches have been informed to monitor students. Soccer games, for example, have been divided into quarters rather than halves to provide more opportunities for drinks and rest. This practice will continue.

4.      PE teachers and coaches will reinforce the importance of healthy habits, the signs of heat related illness, and will be sensitive to any anxieties that students may have.

5.      At this time and until the end of the semester, ES PE classes are taking place in either the gyms or the swimming pool. Grade 6 students are learning gymnastics in the new air-conditioned gym.

6.      We will continue to monitor changes in temperature and humidity.

Parents can assist by ensuring students regularly drink water, bring a water bottle to school, sleep well, eat breakfast, and avoid caffeine. If students are not feeling well, PE teachers and coaches should be informed.

Parents can also assist through greater awareness of the signs of heat related illness and appropriate actions. Please click here for an American Red Cross bulletin entitled “Heat-Related Illness—Do You Know What to Do?ISB is a busy school with many sports related activities taking place. The more eyes we have on our students the better.

It is also important to consider this issue in context. ISB has a long history of students participating safely in physical education classes and athletics. We are situated in Southeast Asia, the climate will always present some challenges, and our students will always be participating in a variety of physical activities. Our task is to adjust sensibly to the conditions and ensure the best possible safeguards are in place.

This will not be the final communication on this issue. Our review team will carefully study best practices related to exercise and heat in our context and we will report back to the ISB community as soon as we are ready.

Parents may contact us at any time with questions or concerns.


Dr. Andrew Davies
Head of School

Important Reminders: BOT Elections 2013

by: Joy Davy
Chair, Committee on Trustees

By now, most of you have received your BOT Elections 2013 packets. Some parents have turned in their ballots to the Head of School office. Please be reminded of the following:

1. You can only submit your ballots on the day of the AGM – May 21, 2013 from 7:00 am
to 6:00 pm. No votes will be accepted after 6 pm.

2. There are 2 ballots per family – one for each parent.

3. You can only vote for up to 8 candidates.

4.  The ballot must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, the envelope must be signed across the seal by you, the voting ISA member, and your name must be printed above the signature. Only one ballot may be placed in each sealed and signed envelope

5. If you choose to vote in person, polling booths will be set up in the foyer of the Chevron Theater for you to cast your votes. You will be requested to show a photo ID at the voting station to receive a ballot and your name will be checked off the ISA membership roster.

6. When the envelope is delivered, the voting ISA member’s name will be checked off the ISA membership roster.

7. Only you or your child (ISB students) may deliver the ballots. Ballots will not be accepted from drivers or maids.

Please don’t forget to cast your ballots on May 21st!

BISAC Gymnastics Meet – May 11th & 12th

by ISB Gymnastics Club

The ISB Gymcats will be hosting the annual BISAC Gymnastics Meet this Saturday, May 11 and Sunday, May 12. The meet will run from 8:00 am -4:30 pm on both days in the new gym. Please show your support and come to watch the ISB gymnasts compete in their new fully equipped gym!

HS Visual Art Show Opens Today!

by Kerri Fitzgerald
Arts and Activities Director

HS Visual Art Show May opens May 9th.  The media used includes painting, drawing, printmaking, jewellery design, photography and mixed media collage

Please stop by the Chevron foyer to experience this amazing show of HS artistic talent


ThaiCraft Fair on Saturday, May 18

by Chris Tananone

ThaiCraft Fair on Saturday, May 18 in Rajendra Hall (HS/MS air conditioned gym) from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Handmade crafts by village artisans from over 50 producer groups all over Thailand will be on sale just in time for buying gifts to take home. In addition, there will be two craft workshops (“funshops”) suitable for both children and adults: Rayong baskets (made from reeds) and Fabric Art (fun brooches and fridge magnets from waste cloth scraps). Come, shop and support this social enterprise which has partnered with ISB for over 30 years! For more information, contact Chris Tananone at
If you would like to see some great photos of the last ThaiCraft Fair at ISB in November, Click here


Father Daughter Dance – May 18th

by Linda Stuckey

The tickets are selling fast to the annual Father and Daughter Dance “A Red Carpet Affair”
Don’t miss out. Get your tickets today!  Contact: for questions.


The Hunchback of Notre Dame – May 22nd & 23rd

by Gareth Huxtable
Middle School Drama

Dear Parents,

We welcome you to the MS Production of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame”.

Show times:  Wednesday 22nd May at 3pm.  Thursday 23rd May at 6.30pm.

Adults 200 baht    Students 100 baht

This years Middle School play explores themes of prejudice, love and friendship in this new adaption of the Victor Hugo story.  Serious drama and comedy blend together as we retell the story of Quasimodo the bell ringer.  The student performances are looking amazing and the set is coming together.

Tickets for the play go on sale at HS and MS lunchtimes in the cafeteria next week. Please note that the content of this play is not suitable for below grade 5.

From the same team that brought you “Star Wars”, “Switching Principals” and “I Never Saw Another Butterfly”, we welcome you to the show.

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eNewsletter Guidelines

by Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.






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