Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

Michelle Ihrig

That the ES Cafeteria kicked off an ‘Eating Well’ Campaign just a few months ago which consisted of the introduction of new plates with wellness messages printed on them, colorful posters in front of the ES Cafeteria, and wellness discussions in the classrooms.  What has been the outcome of this collaborative effort?  We have actually seen a rise in the consumption of the cooked and sauted vegetables!  Further, there is a raised awareness of the importance of ‘more color’ on your plate.  What effect has it had on the salad bar consumption?  Not much.  Which is terrific news, as about 85% of the ES students already use the Salad Bar on a daily basis anyway after they have enjoyed their hot selection first.  Overall the students are making good choices, and one can track, that the older they get, and the more they have learned, the better the choices become.  Enjoy.

About Tina

ES secretary
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