Board Chair Letter 25 April 2013

by Marc de Vries

On April 9th the Board of Trustees had its most recent Board Meeting. During this meeting we discussed a number of agenda items. The main agenda item was the Private School Act 2550. PSA 2550 is a law that will have an impact on ISB’s ownership and governance structure.


As mentioned in my letter dated 11 March, ISB’s legal entity is the International School Association (ISA). This is a non-profit association of which all parents are members. The members elect 12 Board of Trustee representatives consisting solely of parents and this Board may appoint an additional 3 members. The ISA is the organization running the school (receiving tuition fees, hiring teachers etc.). Assets such as land and buildings and teacher housing are in different entities, and directly or indirectly under control of the Board.

The Private Schools Act B.E. 2550 requires ISB to amend its governance structure by filing a Charter and forming an “Executive Board” by June 9th 2013. This Executive Board would officially govern the school from that day onwards. Changes in the ISA By-Laws are required to align the responsibilities of the ISA Board of Trustees with those of the Executive Board, and to safeguard ISA’s role in governing the school.

We have reason to believe there will be a possibility to request an extension on filing the Charter and activating the Executive Board as there are still a number of unresolved tax issues. However, because an extension is not yet granted, the Board of Trustees will ask ISA members to approve changes to the By-Laws at the AGM on May 21st 2103, on condition that these changes will come into effect only when a Charter is actually submitted. If an extension is possible, we will request it.

The AGM agenda and supporting documents will be sent out to all ISA members next week. In addition, parent meetings will be held to explain the PSA and associated impacts on our governance structure and By Laws on 7 May 2013 at 9AM and 6PM. in the Cultural Center Theater. We will provide background information on the proposed changes and will take questions.

Futures Exercise

Tremendous work has been done by the Futures Task Force consisting of Graeme Scott, Elizabeth Rossini, Teresa Belisle and Ana Coghlan. The vision that emerged from the brainstorm session involving students, parents, teachers, support staff, administrators, PTA and BOT at the beginning of the year, is taking shape and placed in a framework that will drive ISB towards more choice, flexibility and passion in learning. This has already resulted in concrete initiatives that will start next school year, such as the introduction of new courses, online options for HS students, and a “passion” day. This day will allow students to explore a subject they have listed as something they have always wanted to learn. This could be anything (how to invest in stocks, crafting Bonsai trees etc.) and the school will pool resources from the school and community (or elsewhere) to attempt to make this a reality. Many of the proposed initiatives under the Futures exercise are low risk, without having a major effect on our curriculum, but as we follow the laid-out path, and possibly through some trial and error, ISB will gradually evolve into a learning environment where students very much will want to drive their own quest for learning.

Student Council Update

The Student Council updated the Board on the results of an Arts Survey conducted among High School students taking art-related classes. As seems to be the rule among the Student Council Surveys, with 403 respondents, the response-rate of the survey was high. Results seem to suggest that arts students overwhelmingly find arts programs important and that the Arts have helped build their personal character. Yet despite a tremendous enthusiasm for the Arts, students felt their work was not well recognized in the ISB community. Comparisons were made with athletes who were deemed to get more recognition for their achievements. Recommendations were made on how to improve art appreciation among the student body.

The Student Council’s survey provided valuable information and dovetailed nicely with the activities of SILC, where this year (and most likely next year too) special focus was given to the in-school and afterschool Arts-related programs.

Finally, as this was the last Board meeting, the Board wants to thank the Student Council, and especially President Amber Barnett, for strengthening the ties with the Board, providing a fresh perspective on some of the strategic issues that are being deliberated, and for regularly showing us how remarkable and insightful our students can be.

Annual General Meeting

The AGM will be held at 6PM on Tuesday 21 May at New Theater in the Cultural Center. The meeting is open for all ISA members to attend.

Yours sincerely,

Marc de Vries

BOT Chair

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