Beginning Band Drive

Brent W. Poling
Kentaro Udagawa

If your grade 5 child will be choosing band as the music elective in grade 6, please read and fill out the on-line form.   This MS sign up process usually happens earlier, however, with a new schedule in the works details have not been completed.  Since the Beginning Band Drive is scheduled to occur soon after the Songkran holidays, we are sending this out to let you know about the day your child can try out a variety of instruments.

In getting a head start for the next school year, we are planning a “Beginner Drive” set for Saturday, May 18, 2013.  It will begin at 9:00 am and will finish at 12:00 pm.  At this time you will be able to meet the MS Band teachers at ISB and your child will have the opportunity to try out various instruments; from flute to tuba and French horn to percussion, all wind and percussion instruments will be available.  We will be looking for which instrument best physically suits your child as well as finding the instrument that he/she can excel on the fastest.  This is a very important process because some children may not be physically capable of playing certain instruments or may be limited to minimal success.  For example, a child with a teardrop shaped upper lip will have a difficult time excelling on the flute.  A child with an under-bite will have an extremely difficult time playing saxophone or clarinet.

We will split up the three-hour session by the last name of the student.  It is as follows:
9:00-10:00       Last name beginning with A-J
10:00-11:00     Last name beginning with K-R
11:00-12:00     Last name beginning with S-Z

Knowing which instrument your child will be playing in advance will help the school year begin smoothly and successfully.
The link to the on-line form is here:

(if the link doesn’t work, try copying and pasting into an empty page in your browser)

Thank you all so much for your time.  We anxiously wait the day that we get to meet you.  If you have any questions, please contact
Brent W. Poling                                              Kentaro Udagawa                                   

About Tina

ES secretary
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