Justin Wah
As of today we have 15 teams signed up. With the following teams paid and secured:
Team Germany-Captain David S, Team Portugal-Captain Yuske, Team Japan-Captain Yuta, Team Thailand-Captain Chaitan, Team Brazil-Captain Christian, Team Sweden-Captain Alex C, Team Russia-Captain Mitchel, Team Croatia-Captain Andy R.
Come in and pay for your teams. It’s still not to late to create your own team.
Please go to https://tinyurl.com/isbworldcup to register your team. Your team captain should register/enter the team names on to the Google Doc. Team captain please ensure you put your email address. Once you have entered your team, come in and pay (200baht per player, pay at CAO). Once your fees are paid your country is secure.
Looks like its going to be another great World Cup!!
Any questions? Go to see Mr. Wah