Scheduling Conferences with Specialist Teachers

Your child has brought home in his/her Friday Folder specific log-in details for your family for our new online conference schedules, pick-a-time. You will need this to create an account.  However general instructions below appear for your information:

Scheduling with specialists:
Please follow the directions below to access Pick-a-Time online to schedule your conferences time with Music, Art, World Language or PE teachers. You can access the site at your convenience anytime from now until 2:00pm on Tuesday 26th March to schedule your conferences or make any necessary changes once scheduled.

To get to the Conference Scheduler, please click on the following link and then follow the directions below.  The link is:

How to Register
1.    Click on the link provided above.
2.    Click “Login/Create Account”
3.    Fill in the required fields and register.
4.    For each elementary school child you have, you will have to add them in
a.    Enter child’s student ID number (see above)
b.    Enter child’s birth date (use format mm/dd/yr  e.g., 02/26/10 – you need to include the / in between the month, day, and year)

How to Sign In (after having registered first time)
Enter your email and password. The system will know about any appointments you have made previously.

How to Schedule Appointments
1.    You will see a list of your child’s teachers you are able to schedule a conference with. Select the box next to the teacher name(s) that you would like to schedule a conference with. You will then see the schedule of available times for those teachers.
2.    Each colored square represents an available meeting time. The legend shows you what teacher corresponds to what color. Click on a square to schedule that time
3.    Then click on “Create Appointment”.
4.    Repeat until you have a time with each teacher you’d like to visit with.
5.    You can click on the “Printable Schedule” link located on the top right corner and print the resulting web page to get a hard copy of your schedule.

Please contact Khun Tom at or, Mrs. Diana Drummond at, in the ES Office with any technical difficulties.

About Tina

ES secretary
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