ISB Students Saving Sharks!

By Mr. Dyke, ISB Environmental Coordinator

As part of our Mission to develop ‘caring, global citizens’, ISB sent 26 students to the 2nd annual Bangkok ServICE conference last week, where eight international schools came together to share their passion for service and caring.  This conference offers a great opportunity for students to teach and learn from each other and it leads to joint projects across many schools that are all fighting for the same cause. The ‘ICE’ stands for INSPIRE, CONNECT, and EMPOWER and yes, our students did just that.  ISB had five student led presentations, two of which were led by MS students who did an amazing job and had the attention of everyone in the room.

One presentation, lead by 7th grade twins, Pavin and Mint Sethbhakdi, was about shark finning.  The timing was perfect since there is currently a strong FIN FREE campaign in Thailand to protect sharks and take shark fin soup off of the menus of restaurants and hotels, which Pavin and Mint were also a part of.  Their cause was getting so much attention that the NGO’s (Love Wildlife and Freeland Foundation) invited our students along with Namsai, a student from NIST, along to the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to hand over a petition to the Thai representative early this past Monday morning.  To everyone’s surprise, the students were then invited inside to watch the CITES process take place.

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