IFF Needs Volunteers

by Bethe Warrick

The IFF is in two weeks!  It is going to be a great time for everyone with 20 different countries providing food and over 40 games for all of us to have a blast!  There is a raffle and a silent auction with fabulous prizes.  But what we need is YOU!  We are only half way there with volunteers!  We only need 1 hour of your time to help at games, sell tickets for food and games, or just sit and chat with a buddy at the silent auction table!  The games are easy, just take tickets and do crowd control!  EASY!

PLEASE consider volunteering!  If you can’t….sign up your husband! Your teenager!  They need something to do to keep them out of trouble!

This IFF is run completely by volunteers and we need YOU!  Please click on the link below and sign up today!


Questions?  Email me, warrickbethe@gmail.com….


Bethe Warrick, IFF Volunteer Coordinator


IFF2 Volunteer – https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MylN-uPwcu3nKc14AhPo9uoC8fxMKk__6gKoBR0VcLg/edit




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