Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

Michelle Ihrig

Every holiday and special occasion has a foundation built on traditions.  The majority of these traditions are centered around food.  Especially when we think of a New Years Eve Celebration, many traditions around the world include food which symbolizes Luck, Prosperity, Health and Good Fortune.  A few examples of items on the Menu may be:  Pork- it brings good luck and possibly fortune. If you are not a meat eater, any other treat in the shape of a pig may do the same thing; Fish Scales or any dish with fish symbolizes Silver, a precious metal; Bread or Cakes with trinkets baked inside, those who are lucky enough to end up with the trinket are the recipient of good fortune; Eating 12 Grapes at the stroke of midnight is a good luck forecast grape for each month; Eating long, uncut noodles on New Years equals a long life.  Epicure Catering wishes you wonderful Holidays and a Fantastic New Years Celebration which will bring you into the new year with all the well wishes you desire, whatever your Menu may be.  Enjoy.

Michelle Ihrig
Epicure Catering
Manager of Operations ISB, Tel. 02-963-5800 ext. 7728

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ES secretary
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