News from Counseling Center

By: Andrew Weiser

Pondering points…

  1. Take the easiest courses that your school offers in order to maximize your GPA.
    Fact: Colleges know the most difficult classes your high school offers and they factor that in when reviewing your application.
    However, colleges are impressed by students who know their capabilities and don’t bite off more than they can chew.
  2. No college will take the time to look at your Facebook page.
    Fact: Admissions officers will absolutely look at any and all of your social-networking profiles, so make sure you’re not putting anything out there you wouldn’t want to see on the front page of The New York Times.
  3. College offering puppy room for stressed out students.

Semester Exams: Continue preparing for your semester exams.  Make sure that you have your materials organized and that you begin reviewing from the beginning of the semester. You are responsible for the entire semester.  Cramming a night or two before the test is not a good strategy for test success, and it does not help you retain the material.

Freshmen: Freshmen Seminar (Dec. 6 & 7) was a session about preparing for Semester Exams.  It included test preparation tips and wisdom, as well as ways to reduce stress.

Sophomores:  Many 10th graders did not attend the Sophomore Seminar, and will not have the information on Naviance in order to go forward in future sessions.  See Mr. Weiser to find out what you need to do to get caught up – it’s important!

Juniors: After the Junior Seminar on Wednesday 28 November and Thursday 29 November, students should have turned in their “spring board” list of universities.

This was an important session where students began to explore their possibilities after ISB and begin building a plan.  Parents have work to do, too, as they will be asked to fill out a form to help counselors know their sons and daughters better.  The Junior Packet is due January 29.

Seniors:  If you turned in a transcript request form and wonder how to send your mid-year documents (updated transcript), don’t worry.  We send mid-year reports and updated transcripts to every school in which you applied.

If you still haven’t turned in the “transcript request form” for schools with deadlines of February 15th or earlier, we cannot guarantee that school documents will reach universities by the deadline.  Remember: The High School offices are closed December 21 to January 2- plan ahead.

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