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Important US College Application Information for HS Students

By: Andrew Davies

In recent years, a number of private agencies have been established in Bangkok (and indeed in many major cities around the world) purporting to assist students in their applications to US universities.

Some of these agencies are using unethical practices and it has come to our attention that US universities are becoming concerned about applications from Thailand because of doubts about the authenticity of applications. For example, in some cases it is obvious that the students did not write their college essays or that the material in them is partly or wholly fabricated.

In my recent college visits, it was made clear to me that this is a growing concern, while our counselors have also received similar messages from college admissions personnel.

While some private advisors are ethical in the assistance they provide, others are not. Our strong advice to parents is to avoid these private agencies and to ensure that students complete their own college applications using the assistance of our five extremely well qualified high school counselors. Colleges want to see a student’s “voice” in the application, not a word-perfect fabrication written by someone else.

In the application process, the most important aspects are the courses a student selects while at school (degree of challenge), the grades a student earns, teacher/counselor recommendations, extra-curricular & leadership involvement, and standardized test results (SAT, etc). There is very little that a private agency can actually influence, although they are very quick to take credit when one of their “customers” gets into a name school.

We are hopeful that the personal relationships that our counselors have with many admissions personnel and the good reputation that ISB has among colleges will shelter our students from any suspicion. Our counselors are a phone call or an email away and will be able to verify any application material if asked.

As a school we will closely monitor the situation and will be very proactive in addressing any concerns that colleges have.

If parents or students have any questions or concerns, please contact the appropriate high school counselor.



Tuesday, December 11th is Early Dismissal
By: Dennis Harter

Please note that school ends at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, December 11th.  Here is the schedule for the buses:

  • Regular buses depart at 1:15 pm.
  • Late buses depart at 2:30 pm. and 5:00 pm.

Students must wear school uniform for Exams
By: Dennis Harter

Students not in school uniform for their scheduled exam will be asked to change clothes.  This may affect their time in the exam.  Sweaters and sweatshirts/jackets must be ISB issue.


Exit Passes during Exams
By: Dennis Harter

Students are only required to be in attendance during their exams.  If a student does not have an exam scheduled, he/she does not have to be at school.  Once on campus, students will only be allowed to leave campus if they have a parent-signed Early Departure Form, which can be downloaded here – there are two forms per page printed.  Please note that without this form, students will not be allowed to leave campus until 2:05 pm.  A student needs a signed for FOR EACH school exit.  Please complete and sign as many as your child needs.  Note:  Students are not insured by ISB once they leave campus.


Report Cards
By: Dennis Harter

ISB will be closed during the week of December 24th to 28th.  As a result, report cards will not be mailed out until after January 1st.  In order to provide families information regarding end of semester grades, we will open PowerSchool access back up, beginning Monday, December 24th.  Additionally, students will receive their graded final exams back on the last two days of school, this term.

HS December exam session
By: Philip Roger

  • December 2012 exams run from Wednesday 12th December to Wednesday 19th December and the full session schedule can be accessed on the HS page of the school website.  Students have also received individual exam timetables.
  • There are 3 exam sessions each day which have 7:20, 10:10 and 1:00 start times, except for students with accommodations.  Students should arrive at their exam venues 10 minute early.  Students will not be permitted to leave an exam early.
  • Student are expected to bring pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, ISB ID card, calculator (if required) and a clear water bottle to each exam.
  • Students who do not have an exam on a day may stay at home to study or use our new Library for private study.
  • Students can leave school early after an exam by completing an exam early departure form which can be found on the HS page of the school website or collected from the HS Office.  Students will need to have a parent-signed, completed form for each instance they wish to leave campus.
  • Students are expected to take each exam as scheduled.  Students who are sick for an exam must contact the HS office immediately.  Medical certificates MUST be provided.
  • Thursday 20th December and Friday 21st December are exam feedback days where normal attendance is expected.  Teachers will look at group and individual feedback, review markschemes and success criteria, look at exemplary answers and develop future goals.  School will still finish at 11:30am on the Friday for the semester break.
  • PowerSchool will be closed to student and parent access from 7am on Wednesday 12th December until after the exam period.

Phil Rogers
HS Dean of Academics


News from Counseling Center
By: Andrew Weiser

Pondering points…

  1. Take the easiest courses that your school offers in order to maximize your GPA.
    Fact: Colleges know the most difficult classes your high school offers and they factor that in when reviewing your application.
    However, colleges are impressed by students who know their capabilities and don’t bite off more than they can chew.
  2. No college will take the time to look at your Facebook page.
    Fact: Admissions officers will absolutely look at any and all of your social-networking profiles, so make sure you’re not putting anything out there you wouldn’t want to see on the front page of The New York Times.
  3. College offering puppy room for stressed out students.

Semester Exams: Continue preparing for your semester exams.  Make sure that you have your materials organized and that you begin reviewing from the beginning of the semester. You are responsible for the entire semester.  Cramming a night or two before the test is not a good strategy for test success, and it does not help you retain the material.

Freshmen: Freshmen Seminar (Dec. 6 & 7) was a session about preparing for Semester Exams.  It included test preparation tips and wisdom, as well as ways to reduce stress.

Sophomores:  Many 10th graders did not attend the Sophomore Seminar, and will not have the information on Naviance in order to go forward in future sessions.  See Mr. Weiser to find out what you need to do to get caught up – it’s important!

Juniors: After the Junior Seminar on Wednesday 28 November and Thursday 29 November, students should have turned in their “spring board” list of universities.

This was an important session where students began to explore their possibilities after ISB and begin building a plan.  Parents have work to do, too, as they will be asked to fill out a form to help counselors know their sons and daughters better.  The Junior Packet is due January 29.

Seniors:  If you turned in a transcript request form and wonder how to send your mid-year documents (updated transcript), don’t worry.  We send mid-year reports and updated transcripts to every school in which you applied.

If you still haven’t turned in the “transcript request form” for schools with deadlines of February 15th or earlier, we cannot guarantee that school documents will reach universities by the deadline.  Remember: The High School offices are closed December 21 to January 2- plan ahead.


High School Parent Technology Trainings!
By: Christopher Bell

This is the 5th in a series of trainings for HS Parents of ISB students.  We have covered an array of different technologies.  The request for this session was a ‘Working Session’.  Please bring your computer to this training.  We will work through PowerSchool, Google and other technological resources used at ISB. For more information contact Christopher Bell – High School Technology Coordinator/Coach .

Location: New Library, 3rd Floor the Wilde Room
Time: 7:30 – 8:30
Date: Thursday (12/13)


Panther Swim Team parent meeting
By: Wendy VanBRAMER
There will be a meeting for all Panther Swim Team parents on Monday Dec 10th, 6:30pm MPB # 3. The agenda includes announcement of newleadership, voting on updated by laws, voting in new board members, new facility update with pictures and coaching update.


TEDx Youth Event
By: David Giles

On January 24, 2013 ISB will host its first ever TEDxYouth event at 6:30 p.m. in the CCT.  Nine Grade 11 speakers will each give a five-minute talk on an idea centering on the night’s theme--Catalysts for Change.  The special event will be recorded and uploaded to the TEDx Youtube channel.

As part of a unit in Grade 11 English classes on Language and Power, all Grade 11 students conducted research and delivered their own TED talk in front of their peers.  Each English class then selected one speaker whose topic and delivery most impacted them.   Topics included human trafficking in Thailand, milk production in rural India, technology’s impact on our relationships, social media concerns, and being a reflective learner.  The wide range of topics and the students’ enthusiasm for the project prove that ISB students are curious, passionate and open-minded.  The ISB High School English faculty is proud of their students’ work and looks forward to the event.


IB Theatre ’24’
By:  Kerri Fitzgerald

IB Theatre ‘24’ performance at 5 pm in the CCT Saturday Dec 8th. Theatre students present their own devised pieces. No admittance under 14 years old as there are teenage themes and issues.

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HS Band and String Concert
By Kerri Fitzgerald

Swing into the festive season with the HS Band and String Concert Chevron at 6 pm Tuesday Dec 11th. This concert is the perfect way to get you into the holiday spirit. Please come on time (at least 15 minutes early) to allow us to seat you on time for the 6 pm start.

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Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?
by: Michelle Ihrig

…That you can do some of your Christmas shopping right here at the Cafeteria?  Our Epicure Dining Vouchers are the perfect small way to say Thank You to teachers and staff.  Vouchers start at 100B and go up to a value of 500B.  Thinking of someone who would love to try some of the very new and unique Jasberry Rice?  ‘Baskets’ of all 3 rice assortments are packed into a handmade leather bag for only 990B (retail value 1,450 B), or buy a Jasberry Gift Box for 450 B (retail 650B).  Still nothing you are looking for?  Then try our extremely popular homemade Christmas cookies for 280 B/ Dozen packed into a cake box and wrapped with celebration ribbon.  Next time you’re on campus, stop by to shop! For further inquires or how to order, please email   Enjoy.


eNewsletter Guidelines
By: Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.


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