ISB MS Schedule Survey: Parent Feedback is Requested

Dear MS Parents,

As we begin planning for the next school year (2013-2014) , the ISB Middle School is looking at ways we can improve our daily schedule to support student learning and adolescent development aligned with our ISB Mission to “inspire students to: > achieve their academic potential > be passionate, reflective learners > become caring global citizens > lead healthy, active and balanced lives We would welcome your feedback on our current schedule as we consider making changes for next year and therefore would appreciate if you can take a few minutes to respond to the survey questions posted on the weblink below at your earliest convenience. None of the questions are required, so you do not have to answer any questions that you do not feel the need to answer or know enough information about which to have an opinion. This survey will be open for your feedback until next Tuesday, December 11th, after which it will be closed. 

Thanks in advance for your time and feedback on how we may continue to improve the educational program for our ISB Middle School students.
Best regards,
Tom Burgess
Middle School Principal
International School Bangkok
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