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MS eNews – Friday, November 30, 2012

Updated MS Calendar of upcoming events for the remainder of Semester 1:

Tuesday, December 4

  • MS Parent PTA Meeting at 9:30am
  • MS Choir/Strings Winter Concert at 6:30pm in Chevron Theatre

Wednesday, December 5

  • H.M. King’s Birthday – No School

Friday, December 7 at 3:00pm to 12:00pm on Friday, December 21

  • PowerSchool access to students/parents turned off while semester report cards being finalized

Monday, December 10 – Friday, December 14

  • Grade 7 After The Wave Fundraiser

Monday, December 10

  • Constitution Day – School is in Session

Tuesday, December 11

  • Early Dismissal at 1:00pm

Saturday, December 15

  • MS Holiday Social at 5:00 – 7:15pm in the MPB

Tuesday, December 18

  • MS Drama/Dance Assembly for 6th grade (7th & 8th grade by teacher reservation), 1:00pm in the Cultural Centre Theatre

Thursday, December 20

  • MS Olympics – all day

Friday, December 21

  • MS Alternate Dress Day
  • MS End of Semester Assembly at 7:20am in the Chevron Theatre
  • All students dismissed at 11:30am



MS PTA Meeting Tuesday, December 4th in MPB – All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade parents, come and learn about the MS Class Trips happening in February!

9:30 – 6th grade trip presentation by Mr. Denby

10:00 – 8th grade trip presentation by Ms Indigne

10:35 – 7th grade trip presentation by Mr. McGovern

Mrs. Indigne will also discuss with each group MS Olympics, which is Thursday, December 20th.  It is a fun day and a great opportunity to volunteer and see your MS child and their friends in action!

Any questions, please contact Kim Curlin at or Carrie Lin at


Update on the Main Library

The Main Library will be closed from Thursday, 29th November, until Tuesday, 4th December, while we move to our exciting new space. We anticipate opening on Thursday, 6th December, and will send details re our grand opening ceremony, as we get closer to the date.

Yours in Reading,

Mischele and Alegria


Congratulations to AMIS Honor Orchestra and Honor Choir Delegates & Alternates 2013

Please join us in congratulating the following students for accomplishing the amazing task of qualifying for the 2013 AMIS Middle School Honor Orchestra and Honor Choir.  This year, a joint Orchestra and Choir festival will be held in Beijing, China from on January 23-27, 2013.

After a very rigorous and competitive blind audition process for Orchestra, Brady Jalili was chosen from hundreds of auditions tapes representing schools from all around Asia. The audition consisted of 2 scales, 4 exercises and a difficult etude, which were judged by a panel in London, England.

Schools from around Asia, who will attend the festival, may audition and select 6 outstanding students (and several alternates) to represent their school in the Honor Choir each year. After auditions at ISB in October, the following students were selected from 30+ auditioning choir students as delegates for this year’s festival: Caroline Garnett, Frances Garnett, Margaret Gray, Katarina Izdepski, Pawan (Sine) Palcharoen, and Chan Tae Park. Alternates selected are Maho Ishikawa, Ariana Harr and Spencer Wile.  String’s Delegate, Brady Jalili (who is a member of the Middle Men Choir at ISB), also auditioned and was selected to be a part of the Honor Choir. However, he was also selected as a string’s delegate and has elected to be a part of the Honor Orchestra at this year’s festival.

Please congratulate these fantastic young musicians!


John Secomb (Strings)

Coleen Peterson (Choir)


Leaving ISB End of This Semester?

If you are leaving ISB end of this semester, please contact Khun Fon in the MS Office at – she will send you paperwork that needs to be completed in order for her to get your child’s school records ready for his/her next school.


eNewsletter Guidelines

By Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

  • Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.
  • What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information
  • Where to submit your announcement

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

  • Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
    • The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

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