A Journey all over the World!

International Day brought a sea of colour and a taste of the world’s countries to the Elementary School today.  What an absolute joy to witness our students’ pride in their ‘home’ countries, to see them interact with the country customs of their friends and to sing with them ‘We are Family’ and our very own composition,  ‘Same but Different’.

Our theme for this year, ‘The Same but Different’ is a reminder for us to renew our efforts as citizens of the world to look for commonalities between us in addition to celebrating our diversity.  Our children confront cultural difference each and every day at ISB.  They learn important skills and lessons about getting on with others, about  different beliefs and customs.  In the end, we want them to become caring, global citizens who experience success in the world community.

International Day is a unique and special event in our calendar, only possible with the support and endeavors of a huge community of helpers:  ISB parents, ISB teachers and IAs, ISB buildings and grounds, and of course, our amazing student body.  Congratulations and thank-you to all – it’s been an incredibly memorable day!

About Tina

ES secretary
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