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Principal Forum November Meeting
By: Philip Bradley

We hope parents will be able to join us for the next Principal Forum. Parent grade level representatives have been collecting questions for our next meeting at 9:00 am on Tuesday Nov 27th. We will meet in MPB 3 and work through our agenda, there will also be time for a few questions from the floor.



GCW Payments
By: Dennis Harter

Final reminder that GCW Payments are due by November 30th.  Payments can be made at any Ayudhya Bank branch (there is one in the parking lot near Villa in Nichada Thani).  For your convenience the payment slip we sent home with your child last week is completed and should be used when paying.


News from Counseling Center
By: Kevin Callahan

Did you know…: 

  • Many rankings of universities around the world use criteria that apply only to graduate programs (advanced degrees such as Masters and PhD)?  Therefore, they are neither appropriate nor accurate for the undergraduate experience, and institutes of higher education that are geared specifically toward undergraduates (“colleges” in the U.S.) don’t even get ranked!  Let the buyer beware!
  • Confucius said, “By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is bitterest”.


Semester Exams: It’s not too early to begin preparing for your semester exams.  Make sure that you have your materials organized and that you begin review from the beginning of the semester, because you are responsible for the whole semester.  Cramming a night or two before the test isn’t really a good strategy for test success, and it sure won’t help you retain the material.  So take a look now at what you’ve been studying all semester!

Freshmen: The next Freshman Seminar meets November 26th and 27th  for grades in progress.  We counselors look forward to these opportunities to talk with our 9th grade students.  Also, on December 6th and 7th  we’ll talk with freshmen about preparing efficiently for semester exams.

Sophomores:  High School Dean of Academics Mr. Rogers gave a presentation to parents on Wednesday evening about the International Baccalaureate (IB) program and how we do it here at ISB.  He is currently updating the links on the ISB website to the IB program, and will make his presentation available as well.  If you have questions about whether the IB program is right for your son or daughter, you can ask your counselor, or of course, Mr. Rogers.

Juniors: Next week, Wednesday 28 November and Thursday 29 November, will be our second junior seminar during students’ free period (or flex on Thursday for juniors with no free period).  This is an important session where students will begin to explore their possibilities after ISB and begin building a plan.  Parents have work to do, too, as they will be asked to fill out a form to help counselors know their sons and daughters better.

Seniors: It is important to know that universities often have automatic responses when they receive your application.  It will instruct you to have a transcript or other official documents sent, even though you requested them long ago.  Don’t worry!  We keep track of everything and send documents in a timely fashion.  Give a few days for the university, not us, to update your application.  If your file still shows items missing after two weeks, see your counselor.

If you still haven’t turned in the simple transcript request form for schools with deadlines of February 15th or earlier, we cannot guarantee that school documents will reach universities by the deadline.  We’ll try but you are awfully late by now.

University visits at ISB in the Coming Week (lunchtime in 203):

Monday, November 26 – International Christian University (Japan)

Want facts on any university in the U.S.?  If you google the university name along with “common data set”, you’ll get everything from average weather patterns per month to student data to financial aid awarded to international students.  And by the way, a good site to check out financial aid statistics and possibilities is

ART Show Official Opening Wednesday 10:30 CCT foyer.
By Kerri Fitzgerald

This week the HS Art show will open on Nov 28th and it runs until Dec 14th. All are welcome to attend the official opening or come to contemplate and browse slowly at your leisure. You will be amazed at the quality of of students’ work.



Spirit Night, Basketball Friendship Tournament and pre-IASAS Rugby Exchange.
By: Andy Vaughan

This is a big weekend of sport here at ISB kicked off tonight with our spirit night with games from 3.30pm. Games are as follows:

Time Venue Home vs Away
3:30 PM Rajendra ISB Boys (JV) vs NIST Boys (JV)
3:30 PM Auxi Gym ISB Girls (JV) vs NIST Girls (JV)
3:45 PM Field B ISB VG Touch vs ISB JVG Touch
5:00 PM Field A ISB VB Rugby vs ISKL VB Rugby
5:30 PM Rajendra ISB Boys vs ICS Boys
6:00 PM Field A JIS VB Rugby vs SAS VB Rugby
7:15 PM Rajendra ISB Girls vs ICS Girls

We also have a full weekend of sport, with Rugby Exchange matches and our Basketball Friendship Tournament games happening all day Saturday. Both schedules are attached to this post for you to download and we hope you can make it out to support our Panthers as they compete this weekend

Our girls Varsity Touch team participated in their touch exchange last week in Singapore, which was a great experience for the team. Saturday afternoon’s games were cancelled due to lightening and heavy rain, but the girls played an adjusted schedule on Sunday morning with the other IASAS schools, which they finished in first place, showing why they are the favorites for the upcoming IASAS Touch tournaments at the end of January.

Next weekend most of our JV teams and Varsity Teams are competing in tournaments hosted by NIST and BPS, which should be a good season opener for many of our teams. Teams will be busy over the next week preparing for this.

We hope to see you out tonight for spirit night!!

Basketball Friendship Tournament and Spirit Night

Rugby Exchange 2012 Schedule


By: Keri Fitzgerald

Thanks for your support and  for the tremendous ticket sales. It looks as though this show will have a sell out season. Due to legalities, no film can be taken of the performances and you are also reminded there are to be no photos taken during the show (the sound of clicking and the camera light is very distracting to others). There will be photo opportunities at the Red Carpet event for photo taking. A comprehensive array of photos will be available on the school flickr site later and these can be downloaded.


MUN Recognition Reception
By: Kerri Fitzgerald

A special MUN Recognition Reception hosted by the Booster club will take place in the MPB at 6 pm on November 29th. This is to honour and celebrate the achievements of the MUN delegates and all the MUN participants. Parents and family members are invited at 300 THB per head. RSVP and payment is on Monday Nov 26th.
The Winter Dance
By: Kerri Fitzgerald
The annual holiday dance for 2012 is called The Winter Dance and will take place at the lebua Hotel in the State Tower December 1st.

A permission slip signed by parents is required before the student can purchase a ticket during lunchtime in the cafeteria. There are a number of rules set out (taken from the Student Handbook) on this slip and I would like parents to go over these carefully. Points of particular note are:

  1. The dance starts at 7:30 no admittance after 8:30pm
  2. The dress regulations are set out and will be enforced –  jeans are NOT allowed and dresses should be appropriate  e.g. they must be of a sufficient length (when you are standing straight with arms at sides, the hem of the dress should be lower than the fingertips !) .Please check your daughter’s outfit and if you are concerned, have her bring it to the Activities office to get approved.
  3. Parents take responsibility for safe travel to and from the dance
  4. There are behaviour expectations set out

This dance is organised by the Student council seniors and promises to be a fun social activity. Encourage your teen to take part and to buy their tickets soon (1000 THB or 1200 THB at the door).


High School Parent Technology Trainings!
By: Christopher Bell

This is the 4th in a series of trainings for HS Parents of ISB students. In this training attendees will learn about the Google Systems applied at ISB.  During the training parents will learn about Docs, Spreadsheets, Presentations, Sites and Sharing.  Specific topics that will be covered include: Applications at ISB, Personal Gmail Creation and Google Apps for Education. For more information contact Christopher Bell – High School Technology Coordinator/Coach –

Also feel free to check the ISB High School Parent Technology Blog

Date: Nov. 29th

Location: MPB3

Time: 7:30 – 8:30am


Bangkok Youth Soccer
By: Justin Wah & Joelle Butcher

Bangkok Youth Soccer is a great way to get out to the field and play some soccer.  For Varsity and JV soccer players its a great opportunity to continue playing during the off season.  Currently, we have almost three full teams and would love to have a couple more teams in the Super Division.  Girls and boys are welcome, games are played on Saturdays, with some games possibly being played on Friday evenings.  The league starts in February, however, sign-ups are right now.

Please go to to register for BYS
Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

By: Michelle Ihrig
…That garlic is one of the most ancient medicinal foods in the world.  And that is remains one of the most valuable and versatile foods on the planet?  In the ancient world, garlic was fed to soldiers and slaves to keep them in good health.  During WWII, the British medics used garlic as an antibiotic to treat wounded soldiers.  One of the real advantages of using garlic in this way is that the bacteria in our bodies don’t develop resistance to it, so it is effective over time, unlike many antibiotic drugs.  Today garlic continues to be recognized for all of the healthy benefits we reap from it.  Garlic promotes the well-being of the heart and immune systems with antioxidant properties and helps maintain healthy blood circulation.  One of garlic’s most potent health benefits includes the ability to enhance the body’s immune cell activity.  The est way to consume garlic is in its raw form, as cooking can potentially take away some of the nutrients if over heated.  Garlic is widely used in the Cafeteria in its raw and cooked form in the salad dressings, in most feature salads, and in an array of the hot lunches across campus.  Go Garlic!  Enjoy.


eNewsletter Guidelines
By: Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB and/or highlight information about ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.


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