What does HOME mean to you?

By:  Mrs. Bagnato, ellenb@isb.ac.th

Artist, Vipoo Srivilasa and ISB would like to know!

Mr Sirivilasa is a ceramic artist who has lived in Australia and Thailand.  He is currently working on a project entitled “Thai Na Town – Little Oz.”  This is an international art project aimed at capturing expats’s experiences abroad while understanding the importance of culture and the places we call “home”.

In addition to offering workshops throughout Australia and Bangkok, Mr Sirivilasa has collaborated with ISB’s own Trista Meisner (middle school art) to provide workshops for a limited number of ISB students during the school day.  We feel very fortunate to have this international artist share his time and talents with us.

24 middle school students will have the opportunity to participate in this optional workshop with Mr Sirivilasa and Ms Meisner during the school day on November 22.  . Within the 30 minute workshop students will:

Ÿ  be introduced to the project

Ÿ  discuss what “home” means to them

Ÿ  use clay to make a small sculpture to represent their transition to ISB/Thailand

Afterwards, the students will meet with the middle school counselors to process the experience and check-in about their transition.

The sculptures they produce will be presented in the Thai Na Town – Little Oz exhibition at the Art Center, Chulalongkorn University December 1 – January 16.

If you are a new student and interested in participating, please contact your counselor for more information or stop by the guidance office for a permission slip.

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