Grade 10 IB Information evening

By Philip Rogers

Wednesday 21st November 6:30pm in MPB 2/3

All grade 10 parents and students are invited to attend an information evening that will look at the different academic options that ISB students can pursue in their Junior and Senior years.  These are important choices in assisting students to look at appropriate college and career choices.

ISB has a truly wide range of subject choices that are based on opportunity and flexibility.  We understand that each student is unique and needs to be challenged and exposed to a broad range of opportunities whilst meeting the ISB graduation requirements.

Given that a number of our parents and students are new to the IB program we will discuss the three main options that meet the ISB graduation requirement:  IB Diploma, IB Courses and other course options.  At ISB over the last few years 95% of our students have taken one of more IB course with IB Diploma student numbers steadily increasing to represent around 60% of our students.

I look forward to seeing as many grade 10 parents and students as possible on Wednesday evening.

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