Seussical and Theatre Etiquette

by Kerri Fitzgerald

Theatres have a very defined etiquette and I would like the ISB community to be reminded of these established norms of behaviour. Many of the rules about overcrowding come from the aspect of safety: eg the audience can never sit in the aisles or stand around the sides and back in a theatre. This is considered a fire hazard.

Seussical is nearly upon us and this joyous show has much to offer all ages. Performances will be:

Thursday and Friday Nov 22nd and 23rd at 3 pm

Saturday, November 24th will see our Red Carpet event which will take place at 5:30 pm where you will have the chance to meet the Seussical characters with the final performance starting at 6:30 pm.

Tickets are on sale from Monday 19th November in the ES from 6:45 am – 7:45 am and in the MS/ HS cafeteria lunch times 10 am – 11:25 am. Ticket prices for the Thursday and Friday shows are as follows: Adults 200 THB and students 100 THB. Tickets for Saturday will be 300 THB for adults and 150 THB for students.

As we are expecting a full house for all three performances, seating in the Chevron theatre has been allocated. We strongly recommend that you arrive at least 15 minutes before show time to ensure you can be seated on time. Late comers (ie those arriving 3 minutes before the scheduled start time and beyond) will not be admitted until interval which is at least one hour into the performance. The doors will be closed 3 minutes before start time and we intend to start on time.

Young children are encouraged to attend (please leave those under the age of two with a carer), and there are bathrooms to be used at interval. It is very distracting to both performers and audience members when there are people wandering around the theatre.

Taking a film of this show (eg on an iphone) is forbidden due to copyright law and no cell phones are to be bought into the theatre with the exception of the house manager and director. Even though we have very high quality radio mics, the frequency can be disturbed by cell phones. There have been numerous instances of radio mic interference in the past which is devastating to the performers concerned. Just leave your phone at home or in a back pack in the foyer which will have security!

There will be publicity photos to download afterwards and so there is no need for photos to be taken during the show. Please save us the embarrassment of having to take cameras and iphones off audience members.

Lastly a reminder that no food is allowed in the theatre – only water.

Jo Hanson and the performers thank you in advance for supporting their efforts. If everyone abides by these norms we can all enjoy the show.

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