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Tuesday, November 13, 2012—Early Dismissal

Posted on November 9, 2012 by Tina

Please note that all ISB students will be dismissed at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, November 13, 2012.    On Early Dismissal Days (1:00 p.m.), school buses will leave at 1:15 p.m. A bus will operate for students who participate in After School activities, leaving at 2:30 pm.

ES Report Card

Posted on November 9, 2012 by Tina

We send home three report cards each year (November, February and June). Our first trimester report card is going home next Friday, November 16, 2012.

MAP Assessments – Grades 3-5

Posted on November 9, 2012 by Tina

Results were sent home with children today.  Please take time to read the letter that accompanies results explaining how we use MAP as one part in our body of learning evidence.  If you have questions, please feel free to attend the meeting on Nov. 15, at 9:00 am in the ES MPR or visit .

International Day

Posted on November 9, 2012 by Tina

International Day Logo-2

International Day is a fun and educational day to celebrate ISB’s diversity.  We have 53 countries represented in our Elementary School.  For those new to ISB, we will transform many of our ES classrooms into countries to celebrate different cultures, food, dress, language, music, geography, etc.  Students are invited to wear a costume representative of their home country to school that day.  Throughout the week (November 26-29), students are invited to wear country t-shirts instead of their uniform or P.E. uniform shirts. A country t-shirt represents a country or place you have visited with your family.

The day begins with an international parade down “main street”, or in our case the hallway from the track to the Chevron Theater, where we will have our International Assembly. (Due to fire codes and limited space, this is a students only assembly). From there, our children will return to their grade level classrooms where parents have prepared wonderful country celebrations.

All parents are encouraged to take part in creating this amazing learning experience for our students.  We are looking for people who either want to host a room, co-host a room but need to find someone to partner with, or just help out in a country room.  You don’t need to be from the country to help out.  Hosting a room can be as simple as putting up pictures and decorations from the host country and a game, song or dance. To volunteer as a helper in a room you would be offering support for the setup/clean up and helping the host run different activities on International Day.  Please contact the ES PTA Coordinators at .

Leaving ISB at the End of the First Semester?

Posted on November 9, 2012 by Tina

Do you need school records for your child(ren)’s next school?  Parents of students who are not returning to ISB after semester 1 need to notify the ES Office, K. Tina ( and  fill out the attached  Notice of Withdrawal from ISB Form to enable us to process school records for their next school.  Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Notice of Withdrawal from ISB

ES After School Activities News

Posted on November 9, 2012 by Tina

Livnat Ziskinder

Please note that next Tuesday, November 13th is an early release day so all ASA will take place one hour earlier from 1:15pm-2:15pm. There will be no Pre K “Cooking is fun” class on Tuesday.
I am in the office daily from 1:30pm – 3:30pm if you have any questions or concerns.

Livnat Ziskinder
ES After School Activities Coordinator

Using the Playground

Posted on November 9, 2012 by Tina

Families are welcome to use the ISB playgrounds after school hours, with supervision. However, during the school day from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm, the playgrounds are to be used only by students for scheduled recess. This includes the PK/Kinder playground. After 1:00 PK dismissal, the playground should only be used by Kindergarteners for their scheduled recess. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

Posted on November 9, 2012 by Tina

Michelle Ihrig

Glorious Kale and Morning Glory…Why should you be eating these wonder veggies?  The First and Best Reasons Are:  they are local vegetables grown in Thailand, and are quite a hardy plant all on their own. Therefore they are automatically drastically reduced from the sprays of chemical pesticides even without the ‘organic’ label, because they ward off the unwanted guests mostly on their own!  Now for the other reasons:  They are extremely high in Anti-oxidants, full of Vitamins K, A & C, Rich in Minerals such as Iron and Calcium (offering even more calcium than milk!) It is proven that a diet full of vegetables not only boosts your immune system, but also reduces your risk of muscular degeneration, obesity and certain cancers. Enjoy!
Note: The weekly online menu has been moved from the website to the Parent Portal.  Please watch for it there!  The website now only shows a ‘sample’ menu as opposed to the updated one.

Michelle Ihrig
Epicure Catering
Manager of Operations ISB, Tel. 02-963-5800 ext. 7728

Calendar of Events

Posted on November 9, 2012 by Tina

November 2012

Nov. 10 Booster Club Pancake Breakfast
Nancy Crosser Fitness Challenge
ThaiCraft Fair
Nov. 13 1:00 pm Early Dismissal
Nov. 15 MAP Parent Information Meeting 9:00 am (ES MPR)
Nov. 16 ES Report Card Goes Home
Nov. 19 1/Scranton and 1/Souza Field Trip to Koh Kret 7:30am-12:45 pm
Nov. 20 1/Belohlavy and 1/Ducharme Field Trip to Koh Kret 7:30am-12:45 pm
PTA Executive Board Meeting 10:00 am
Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00 pm
Nov. 21 1/Bell and 1/Hardman Field Trip to Koh Kret 7:30am-12:45 pm
Nov. 28 PTA Staff Appreciation Cookie Day
Nov. 30 ES International Day
ES International Day Assembly 8:00 am (Chevron)
Nov. 30-Dec. 1 Girl Scout Camp Out
Nov. 30 Display of Lost and Found (Main Cafeteria)


About Tina

ES secretary
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