Up coming Panther Run

by Daniel Bentley

Are you the type who goes trick-or-treating with your kids then over the next few weeks, after they go to bed, you raid their candy stashes?

Or are you the one who buys way more candy than there are kids in your neighbourhood so you will have weeks of left-overs for your personal pleasure?

Regardless of your candy acquisition methods you need ISB’s fourth monthly Panther Run to burn some of those junk calories! 

This Saturday, Nov. 3rd. (5km or 3.2km)   

What is it?

This is a monthly fun run which aims to:

  • Provide regular, friendly competition for ISB community members and ISB athletes
  • Allow for runners of all ability levels to compete
  • Build a running community within Nichada Thani
  • Enhance community fitness, give people intermittent bench marks to chart their monthly fitness progress
  • Fund Raise for Charity and the ISB Cross Country Team

Where & When is it?

The race begins and finishes on the ISB track.   Start time of 7.30am (before it gets too hot), with registration opening at 7.00am.

How do I sign up?

You only need to register once and you are automatically registered for all the races. On the morning of the race simply turn up, check in and pay your one time entry fee (100 baht, proceeds to charity and the ISB Varsity XC team). It’s as easy as that!

Register at the CAO website by clicking this link.

The time is now!  Hope to see you Saturday morning!

Dan Bentley, Mary Ballone, Mike Jessee and David Giles (some of the ISB Running People:)

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