Outstanding Varsity Season!!

By: Andy Vaughan
We are all still on a high after we witnessed the most amazing home victories of both our girls and boys varsity soccer teams last week at IASAS here in Bangkok. For the second year in a row our girls and boys showed us that they had and have what it takes to win and then defend the IASAS championship.
Not only did our Soccer teams do amazing, but our Volleyball teams also finished with incredible results, finishing with double silver at the IASAS Volleyball tournament in Kuala Lumpur last week. Both teams played incredible Volleyball to make their way through to the championship match. And to top it off our Girls Cross Country finished with a silver medal for the second year in a row and boys with a 4th being the best performance in a number of years from our boys. With an average of second place across our Varsity teams it was a stellar season!
We have a busy week coming up after break as we finish off season two try outs for both our Varsity and JV teams, prepare for first season JV tournaments and settle into training routines. The week looks as follows:
Monday 29 Normal Training for first season JV teams, Try outs continue for Varsity/JV second season
Tuesday 30 -No first season Training -Second Season Try Outs/Trainings
Wednesday 31 Normal Training for first season JV teams, Try outs continue forJV second season, Training for Varsity 
Thursday 1 Normal Training for first season JV teams, Try outs continue forJV second season, Training for Varsity 
Friday 2 -No Training -Second Season Trainings
For your child, please ensure they communicate with their coach so they know what is expected of them.
Enjoy the well deserved break that awaits us all this week and we hope everyone has time to stay active while getting quality time with their family.
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