News from Counseling Center

By: Debbie McDowell

Did you know:

  • 25 % of the seniors have submitted at least one application already!
  • All Freshman checked in with their counselor this week. (Details below)
  • The brain recovers during the first five hours of sleep but does not store information into long-term memory until the seventh to eighth hour of sleep.

Freshmen:  On Thursday and Friday, the grade 9 students visited with his/her counselor for the Freshman Grade Check.  Students are approximately half way through the semester.  It’s a great time to check in with your child about his/her academic performance. For those who are not satisfied with their current progress, it would be useful to brainstorm some ideas about how to improve. Don’t forget to suggest that checking with the teacher is the best option. Teachers are in the their room during flex time each day (2:15-3:05).   The next Freshman Seminar, after the holiday, will focus on university admissions for freshmen. This begins the discussion about finding a university that is a good fit for each individual.

Sophomores:  Students are approximately half way through the semester.  It’s a great time to check in with your child about his/her academic performance. For those who are not satisfied with their current progress, it would be useful to brainstorm some ideas about how to improve. Don’t forget to suggest that checking with the teacher is the best option. Teachers are in the their room during flex time each day (2:15-3:05).   Sophomore Seminar will be coming up in November.  More details to come!

Juniors:  Grade 11 students took the PSAT on Wednesday morning. The results (along with the test booklet) will be returned in December.  Like the SAT, the PSAT will report three results: Critical Reading, Math, and Writing. Juniors are well into their courses by now.  If your child is struggling with any class recommend that he/she see the teacher during flex time for some extra help!

Seniors:  Encourage your child to submit their transcript request forms as soon as possible. This will allow the Counseling Office and the counselor adequate time to prepare the documents/letters for your child.  Assure your child that submitting the transcript request form does not have to be done in conjunction with him/her submitting the application.  All transcript request forms must be submitted before 15 November for any application with a deadline before 15 February. Please encourage your child to speak to his/her counselor if there are any questions.  The University Lab is still in session every Monday in room 3-203 from 2:15 to 3:00.  Seniors are welcome to come by and work on their applications, ask questions of a counselor and/or review their essay with a peer or counselor. Snacks and treats are provided.

University visits at ISB:  This week was a rather calm week for university visits but one highlight was the workshop on US Financial Aid conducted by Mr. Juan Alvarez from Miami University.  One tip he shared was that families should complete the FAFSA form as early as possible, submitting by 1 February.  He noted that taxes do not have to be completed before filling out the FAFSA. Income, taxes, and expenses can be estimated so that the form can be submitted by 1 February.  Universities visiting ISB after the October break:

Monday, October 29

University College London

Michigan State University

Regis College

Tuesday, October 30

University of Alberta

Goldsmiths College, University of London

International College of Hotel Management

University of Liverpool

Wednesday, October 31

Vatel International Business School Hotel and Tourism Management

Thursday, 1 November

Illinois Wesleyan University


Reading Workshop: Wouldn’t it be great if your child could increase his/her reading speed and still understand what has been read?  By doing so, homework time could be decreased while still maintaining comprehension. Suggest that your child attend the Reading Speed Workshop on Thursday, 1 November, at 2:15 in room 3-203. Tell your child to bring a book to the workshop to use during the session. All grade levels are invited to attend. (This workshop was rescheduled due to the IASAS tournaments on 11 October.)


SAT:  The deadline for registering for the December SAT is 1 November. Remember that there is NO late registration or standby registration for the SAT anymore.  Students must register by the deadline


October Break:  The counselors wish all families a safe and restful October break. Please coordinate your family’s time so that there is ample time for your children to recuperate from the hectic schedule of the packed school year. This is an important time to de-stress and prepare for the remainder of the semester, including final exams.  Many seniors will want to finish their university applications, which is a time consuming activity. Ask your son/daughter what you can do to support him/her during this time.  Reviewing the applications for typos and reading essays for understanding is helpful.  However, it is imperative that the students complete the application and write the essays on their own!  Always remind your child that it is recommended that his/her counselor review their essay prior to submission.

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