Global Citizenship Week Information

By: Dennis Harter
Over the past 3 weeks, high school students have registered their preferences for Global Citizenship Week (GCW).  Assignments are done by time of submission (precisely documented by our servers) and then in order of preference for each student.  When a course is filled, we move to next preferences for students who subsequently requested that course.
In rare cases, a course may not have enough numbers to be viable, in which case we honor the time of submission for those students and reassign their next preference.  This may have knock on effect on other students.  All of this is handled BEFORE we post the courses assigned to students.
After the October holidays, we will be posting the courses assigned to students.  Parent permission forms will be distributed, including the name of the course assigned to your child and the cost.  These forms are due to the GCW teacher sponsors at the first meeting on November 6th.
Students not registered will be called in and assigned to an in Bangkok service course.
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