Coaches Corner

iPads for Learning

Incredible e-Learning is happening in elementary classrooms this year!  From blogging to presentation tools to creation tools, students are using technology to extend, enhance and communicate their learning.  The big hit of the year is certainly our iPads.  With the prevalence of mobile devices, parents have a responsibility to develop a family media philosophy, monitor screen time usage, and develop appropriate technology habits with your children.  Talk about your values as a family and strike an appropriate balance between face to face time and screen time – you need to be actively involved in determining the media diets of your children.  Expose your children to learning-focused iPad apps and engage your children in activities that support critical thinking.  To support this, visit, where you will find app ratings and other great media resources.  Would you like your child to make an engaging interactive book over the October break?  Try the Little Story Maker.  Want an engaging app to help your child develop their global geography?  Try Stack the Countries.  Does your child struggle with parts of speech?  Download the Mad Libs app.  Even the iTunes app store has an educational section – check it out for recommendations!

About Tina

ES secretary
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