Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

By: Michelle Ihrig

We are proud to announce that our Fresh Seasonal Fruit Smoothies are one of the most popular, nutritious beverages at the Grind.  Because there is such enthusiasm around them, many of you have come to me with wonderful suggestions of adding additional fantastic fruits such as whole raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries.  The berry suggestions could be endless!  So why have we not added them?  For 5 thoughtful reasons:  1.  Fresh fruits carry more nutrients, as they have ripened on the trees for longer as they have less to travel.  2.  Buying local fruits supports the local economy in which we live.  3.  We drastically reduce our carbon footprint on the globe as we are not using the vast amount of transportation and precious resources it takes to move them that far.  Not to mention the added risk of contamination as the produce is moved from place to place.  4.  Enjoying local fruits also keeps us more in check with the seasons, which naturally point us in the direction of the foods we should be enjoying at certain times of the year. 5.  We are living in a country blessed with an array of fresh, tropical, extremely nutritious fruits.  We should tap in to this bounty as it is available to us at our front door step.
Look for the feature smoothies of the month as we strive to stay creative with what is available to us in tune with the existing seasons.  Enjoy.

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