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ES Hearing and Vision Screening

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Tina

Grades 1, 3 and 5 and New Students in Grades 2 and 4 will have the Hearing and Vision Screening on October 15-18 in the ES MPR.

IAs will take the students by group to the ES MPR. Please see below schedule.

Hearing and Vision Screening
October 15-18, 2012 (ES MPR)
Grades 1, 3 and 5 and  New Students in Grades 2 and 4
Please note that the specialist teachers will continue teaching.
Homeroom IAs and Specialists IAs will take the students by group to the ES MPR
Time Mon., Oct. 15 Tues., Oct. 16 Wed., Oct. 17 Thurs., Oct. 18
E Day F Day A Day B Day
7:30 5/Armitage 5/Law 5/Cherry 5/Bellone
ART(Paz) ART(Paz) MUSIC(Nicky) ART(Paz)
7:30-8:15 7:30-8:15 7:30-8:15 7:30-8:15
8:15 Make-up
5/Perkins 5/Hahn
P.E. (Monte) ART(Paz)
9:00 8:15-9:00 8:15-9:00
Grade 4 New Students 5/Blovad
9:00-9:45 Music (Ashley)
10:10 Make-up
1/Bell Grade 2 New Students 1/Belohlavy
MUSIC (Ashley) 10:00-10:45 P.E. (Cameron)
10:10-10:50 10:10-10:50
1/Ducharme 1/Scranton 1/Souza 1/Hardman
Art (Paz) MUSIC (Ashley) MUSIC(Nicky) ART(Paz)
10:50-11:30 10:50-11:30 10:50-11:30 10:50-11:30
11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:30
3/Dobrowski 3/Palmer 3/Slimko 3/Yoo
MUSIC(Nicky) ART(Paz) P.E. (Cameron) ART(Paz)
12:35-1:20 1:20-2:05 12:35-1:20 12:35-1:20
1:20 Make-up
3/Bentley 3/Hellyer
ART(Paz) ART(Paz)
1:30 1:20-2:05 1:20-2:05

Why Thai Parent Workshop

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Tina

Olga Steklova

All Thai parents are warmly invited to join our workshop entitled “Why Thai”. This is a repeat of last year’s workshop and is dedicated to the importance of Thai as a native language in the lives of our children. We believe that a strong native language that is used for a variety of purposes is an asset and allows our children to become successful learners. The workshop will give us all a chance to engage in conversations and sharing of ideas about maintaining a high level of Thai language at home. It will be held on October 19, Friday, in the ES Multipurpose Room (MPR) from 7:30 to 9:00.  We hope to see you there!

International Day

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Tina

Amy Lobner, Sharane Sherman or Cory Fox

International Day is a fun and educational day to celebrate ISB’s diversity.  We have 53 countries represented in our Elementary School.  For those new to ISB, we will transform many of our ES classrooms into countries to celebrate different cultures, food, dress, language, music, geography, etc.  Students are invited to wear a costume representative of their home country to school that day.  Throughout the week (November 26-29), students are invited to wear country t-shirts instead of their uniform or P.E. uniform shirts. A country t-shirt represents a country or place you have visited with your family.

The day begins with an international parade down “main street”, or in our case the hallway from the track to the Chevron Theater, where we will have our International Assembly. (Due to fire codes and limited space, this is a students only assembly). From there, our children will return to their grade level classrooms where parents have prepared wonderful country celebrations.

All parents are encouraged to take part in creating this amazing learning experience for our students.  We are looking for people who either want to host a room, co-host a room but need to find someone to partner with, or just help out in a country room.  You don’t need to be from the country to help out.  Hosting a room can be as simple as putting up pictures and decorations from the host country and a game, song or dance. To volunteer as a helper in a room you would be offering support for the setup/clean up and helping the host run different activities on International Day.

International Day is scheduled for November 30th.  Our first PTA coordination meeting will be October 15th at 10 am in MPB2.   If parents want to get involved they can either come to the meeting on the 15th or send us an email at . Alternatively, they can talk to any of the PTA representatives, Amy Lobner, Sharane Sherman or Cory Fox.

ES After School Activities News

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Tina

Livnat Ziskinder

We are almost half way through our After School Activity program!
Time is flying by and our kids are having such fun! There are limited spaces available in some of our ASA. You can still register and a fee pro rata will be arranged for you but don’t delay! Most of ASA have already hosted their 4th session so there are no longer any changes permitted.
I am in the office daily from 1:30pm – 3:30pm if you have any questions or concerns.

Livnat Ziskinder
ES After School Activities Coordinator

Join the ES Panther Chorus at the Choir Bash!

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Tina

Ashley Jordan and Nicky Sandmann

The ES Panther Chorus will be performing alongside Middle School and High School Choirs for the 2nd Annual Choir Bash. The concert will take place on October 17th at 6:30 in the Chevron Theater. Each choir will perform a number of their own and then will combine to form a massed choir of over 200 voices. For choir members who want more information about the songs we’re singing and rehearsals check out the Panther Chorus page of the music blog here. It should be a great evening and we hope to see you there!

ES Musical ASA has begun!

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Tina

Ashley Jordan and Nicky Sandmann

The ES Musical ASA has started with almost 80 students last Friday afternoon! We’re very excited to announce that this year’s musical will be “Honk!” which tells the story of the Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen. Because of Parent Teacher Conferences there is no ES Musical ASA this week. We start up again next week and will be meeting in the Chevron Theater. For more information about the ES Musical ASA check the Musical’s page on the blog here.

Lost and Found Display

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Tina

The PTA will be having a display of found items collected in the central Lost and Found on Friday, October 19, 2012 in the MS/HS Cafeteria from 9:00am-1:00pm.  Please remind students to look at the display and to retrieve their items.  The PTA will try to contact its owners of items with names and will keep these items on the PTA office for one week. Items without names and unclaimed will be donated to charity.

October Sale Ongoing – updated flyer

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Tina

Pam Labbe

SALE:  Grab some 60th Anniversary item on sale for October while supplies last.  Anniversary sale prices can  save you between 200B to 300B per item.   Additionally, check out the big bins for discontinued designs.  Sale prices are subject to change without notice.  Hurry In!

Item Correction: Hanuman black fleece blanket are not a clearance item and are no longer on sale.

IASAS:  Parents, there is a gold shirt in the October sale.  Stock up on gold shirts for upcoming IASAS!  Parents usually wear a gold­ shirt on the last day of IASAS tournaments to show panther pride.

Every Friday from 8:30am to 2:30pm  – Booster Hut nearby main cafeteria
Want to beat the crowds?  The best times to avoid the rush of kids shopping the hut is to shop when we open at 8:30 until lunch times and/or between lunch times and end of school day (before 2pm).  Anytime you come by the Hut know that you will receive our best service!

GO ISBeeeeeeeeee!!! GO Panthers!!!Black White and Gold

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Tina

GO ISBeeeeeeeeee!!! GO Panthers!!!
Black White and Gold
IASAS Soccer at ISB!!!!!

by Dana Whiteley
2012-2013 ISB Booster Club President

Thursday – Black
Friday – White
Saturday – Gold
Let’s all be in uniform and cheer on our ISB Panthers for IASAS Soccer!
Thursday, October 11 to Saturday, October 13

Booster Club will have the Panther Spirit tent by Rajendra.

Bring the family to watch the games after school.

Bring as much as noise as you can and be in your best black, white and gold PANTHER SPIRIT!

Using the Playground

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Tina

Families are welcome to use the ISB playgrounds after school hours, with supervision. However, during the school day from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm, the playgrounds are to be used only by students for scheduled recess. This includes the PK/Kinder playground. After 1:00 PK dismissal, the playground should only be used by Kindergarteners for their scheduled recess. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Tina

Michelle Ihrig

We are proud to announce that our Fresh Seasonal Fruit Smoothies are one of the most popular, nutritious beverages at the Grind.  Because there is such enthusiasm around them, many of you have come to me with wonderful suggestions of adding additional fantastic fruits such as whole raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries.  The berry suggestions could be endless!  So why have we not added them?  For 5 thoughtful reasons:  1.  Fresh fruits carry more nutrients, as they have ripened on the trees for longer as they have less to travel.  2.  Buying local fruits supports the local economy in which we live.  3.  We drastically reduce our carbon footprint on the globe as we are not using the vast amount of transportation and precious resources it takes to move them that far.  Not to mention the added risk of contamination as the produce is moved from place to place.  4.  Enjoying local fruits also keeps us more in check with the seasons, which naturally point us in the direction of the foods we should be enjoying at certain times of the year. 5.  We are living in a country blessed with an array of fresh, tropical, extremely nutritious fruits.  We should tap in to this bounty as it is available to us at our front door step.
Look for the feature smoothies of the month as we strive to stay creative with what is available to us in tune with the existing seasons.  Enjoy.

Michelle Ihrig
Epicure Catering
Manager of Operations ISB, Tel. 02-963-5800 ext. 7728

Calendar of Events

Posted on October 12, 2012 by Tina

October/November 2012

Oct. 13 Cub Scouts Pack Event
Oct. 15 ES U11 Basketball @ ISB
Oct. 15-19 ES Hearing & Vision Screening for Grades 1,3,5 and new students in Grades 2 and 4)
Oct. 16 PTA Executive Board Meeting10:00 am
Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00 pm
Oct. 19 Girl Scouts Investiture/Rededication Ceremony
Oct. 22-26 October Break (No school for students and teachers)
Oct. 23 Chulalongkorn Day (Holiday for Classified Staff)
Nov. 2 First Friday with Andy 8:00 am
Nov. 1-2 ES ‘Out of School Uniform’ Day
Nov. 2-3 Girl Scouts Lock In
Nov. 2-4 Cub Scouts Pack Event- Family Camp out
Nov. 3 BISAC U11Basketball (ISBg, BPSb/g)
Nov. 6 Cub Scouts Pack Meeting
Nov. 8 ES PTA Meeting 6:00 pm (ES MPR)
Nov. 10 Booster Club Pancake Breakfast
Nancy Crosser Fitness Challenge
ThaiCraft Fair
Nov. 13 1:00 pm Early Dismissal
Nov. 16 ES Report Card Goes Home
Nov. 20 PTA Executive Board Meeting 10:00 am
Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00 pm
Nov. 28 PTA Staff Appreciation Cookie Day
Nov. 30 ES International Day
ES International Day Assembly 9:30 am (Chevron)
Nov. 30-Dec. 1 Girl Scout Camp Out
Nov. 30 Display of Lost and Found (Main Cafeteria)




About Tina

ES secretary
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