News from Counseling Center

By: Debbie McDowell

Did you know that…..

  • The high school counselors will have welcomed 167 university admissions officers on campus between August 14 and October 31.
  • ISB was represented at the National Association of College Admissions Counselors Conference in Denver, Colorado USA last week.  (See below)
  • There will be a US financial aid workshop for parents on Wednesday, 17 October at 11:30. (Details below)

Thank you to the parents who were able to make it to the Parent Teacher Conferences last week.  It was great to be able to talk with you about your child/ren. Please contact your child’s counselor if you have concerns or questions.  We are eager to be a resource for you and your child.

Freshmen:  This week and next week, the grade 9 students met or will meet with Mr. Harter to discuss GCW. Next week, each freshman will meet with his/her own counselor to do a grade to date check during Freshman Seminar on Thursday and Friday.

Sophomores: Those who registered this week will be taking the PSAT on Wednesday, 17 October in MPB 2/3.  Students should have good night’s sleep the night before and a healthy breakfast that morning. If your son/daughter is taking the test, please remind them to bring their calculator and pencils and be at the room before 7:20.

Juniors:  All grade 11 students will be taking the PSAT on Wednesday, 17 October.  Juniors will do the registration on Tuesday during Com Group.  Juniors must report to the gym on Thursday morning before 7:20 AM. Please remind them to bring their calculator and pencils. If your child misses the registration on Tuesday, he/she should report to MPB 2/3 instead.  Students should have good night’s sleep the night before and a healthy breakfast that morning.

Seniors:  Grade 12 students should be finishing their Early Decision, Early Action, Priority and Rolling applications.  Please encourage your child to turn in the transcript request form (gold form) as soon as possible. All transcript request forms for all applications (with deadlines before 15 February 2013) are due by 14 November.  Please encourage your child to his/her counselor with any concerns.

University Lab:  Every Monday afternoon from 2:15 – 3:15 the University Lab is open in room 3-203.  A counselor is available for any senior who has questions or needs support completing his/her application.  Snacks are provided. Encourage your senior to come by and work on his/her applications.

Financial Aid Workshop for Parents: On Wednesday, 17 October, Mr. Juan Alvarez, Senior Associate Director of International Admission, from University of Miami will be conducting a session for parents on the topic of US Financial Aid.  Please mark your calendar and join us in room 3-203 at 11:30.

Mr. Weiser attended the National Association of College Admission Counselors (NACAC) conference last week.  NACAC provides a great opportunity for high school counselors to meet college admissions representatives and get to know a direct contact if/when questions arise.  Mr. Weiser also toured Colorado School of Mines (engineering school) and the University of Denver (strong in Business and Biology). Unfortunately, Mr. Weiser was not invited to the presidential debate!!

Reading Speed Workshop: Wouldn’t it be great if your child could increase his/her reading speed and still understand what has been read?  By doing so, homework time could be decreased while still maintaining comprehension.  Suggest that your child attend the Reading Speed Workshop on Thursday, 1 November, at 2:15 in room 3-203. Tell your child to bring a book to the workshop to use during the session.  (This workshop was rescheduled due to the IASAS tournaments on 11 October.

University Visits:  University admission representatives are visiting ISB in record numbers this year.  ISB students have had wealth of opportunity to research university choices.

Coming to ISB next week:
Monday, 15 October: Bryant University
Wednesday, 17 October: University of Miami
Thursday, 18 October: State University of New York at Albany
SUNY College at Potsdam

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