ES Hearing and Vision Screening

Grades 1, 3 and 5 and New Students in Grades 2 and 4 will have the Hearing and Vision Screening on October 15-18 in the ES MPR.

IAs will take the students by group to the ES MPR. Please see below schedule.

Hearing and Vision Screening
October 15-18, 2012 (ES MPR)
Grades 1, 3 and 5 and  New Students in Grades 2 and 4
Please note that the specialist teachers will continue teaching.
Homeroom IAs and Specialists IAs will take the students by group to the ES MPR
Time Mon., Oct. 15 Tues., Oct. 16 Wed., Oct. 17 Thurs., Oct. 18
E Day F Day A Day B Day
7:30 5/Armitage 5/Law 5/Cherry 5/Bellone
ART(Paz) ART(Paz) MUSIC(Nicky) ART(Paz)
7:30-8:15 7:30-8:15 7:30-8:15 7:30-8:15
8:15 Make-up
5/Perkins 5/Hahn
P.E. (Monte) ART(Paz)
9:00 8:15-9:00 8:15-9:00
Grade 4 New Students 5/Blovad
9:00-9:45 Music (Ashley)
10:10 Make-up
1/Bell Grade 2 New Students 1/Belohlavy
MUSIC (Ashley) 10:00-10:45 P.E. (Cameron)
10:10-10:50 10:10-10:50
1/Ducharme 1/Scranton 1/Souza 1/Hardman
Art (Paz) MUSIC (Ashley) MUSIC(Nicky) ART(Paz)
10:50-11:30 10:50-11:30 10:50-11:30 10:50-11:30
11:30 Lunch 11:30-12:30
3/Dobrowski 3/Palmer 3/Slimko 3/Yoo
MUSIC(Nicky) ART(Paz) P.E. (Cameron) ART(Paz)
12:35-1:20 1:20-2:05 12:35-1:20 12:35-1:20
1:20 Make-up
3/Bentley 3/Hellyer
ART(Paz) ART(Paz)
1:30 1:20-2:05 1:20-2:05




About Tina

ES secretary
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