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Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences Survey and Statistics

Dear MS Parents,

Thank you to all of the parents who were able to attend our Parent-Student-Teacher conferences this week.  We highly value our parent collaboration and believe that the partnership of students, parents, and teachers is critical for supporting our students’ learning and development.

We would like to invite your feedback on the conferences, so please go to the following link to complete a short survey at your earliest convenience:

October 4-5, 2012 Parent-Student-Teacher Conference Statistics:

▪                89% – Students with parent(s) attending conferences

▪                98% – Humanities conferences held for parents attending conferences

▪                75% – Science conferences held for parents attending conferences

▪                71% – Math conferences held for parents attending conferences

▪                70% – Language conferences held for parents attending conferences

Please note that our specialist teachers met with students and parents on a drop-in basis, which we do not have statistics for at this time.

We realize that some parents had difficulties in scheduling conferences with Math, Science and Language teachers, and will be reflecting on how to improve this situation based upon your feedback on the survey listed above.

Best Regards,

Tom Burgess

MS Principal


Reminder:  Early Dismissal on Tuesday, October 9th

Dear Parents,

Reminder, all ISB students will be dismissed at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, October 9th, our nrxt scheduled Early Dismissal Day.  School buses will leave at 1:15 pm.  There are no scheduled after school activities this day for MS students.  Early Dismissals allow ISB Staff to collaborate and further their professional development, providing a common meeting time in all three divisions.  Please note that no instructional time is lost, as we have added additional school days to the academic year.


Operation Smile – Information for All MS Parents

Dear Parents,

If you are unfamiliar with Operation Smile, please note their mission statement:

Throughout the world, Operation Smile volunteers repair childhood facial deformities while building public and private partnerships that advocate for sustainable healthcare systems for children and families. Together, we create smiles, change lives, and heal humanity.

Last year, students at International School Bangkok raised over 600,000 baht for Operation Smile through games, raffles, and the selling of Operation Smile merchandise.  During November of 2010 and February 2010, middle school students and high school students also took part in medical missions where they were able to experience first-hand the amazing work Operation Smile does to a change children’s lives.  We have similar trips planned again this year as well.

Each November, ISB middle and high schools jointly sponsor Operation Smile Week, our biggest event of the year.  Our goal is to raise awareness about Operation Smile’s work and funds to further those efforts.  The most popular event of Operation Smile Week is our culminating raffle.  Last year, prizes included accommodation vouchers for AANA Resort in Koh Chang, Zeavola Resort on Koh Phi Phi, Hotel de la Paix in Siem Reap, the Amari Atrium Hotel in Bangkok and the Dusit Thani in Bangkok.  In addition, we received dining vouchers from River Side Luxury Cruise Ship, Roadhouse Barbecue, the Conrad Hotel, Molly Malone’s and Great American Rib as well as phones from Blackberry and computer products from Acer.  In exchange for these gracious donations, we are able to advertise these businesses to the ISB community of over 2000 students and families.

If anyone in the community is interested in helping us with this event through raffle prize donations (for either students or adults), please contact a Grade 6 teacher (or James Denby,  Your support makes this fundraiser possible.  Thank you in advance for your help.


The Grade 6 Faculty

International School Bangkok

Operation Smile Middle School Representative

02-963-5800 ext. 4465


Hearing and Vision Screening

Dear Parents of All New Students to ISB,

All new students to ISB in 6th – 8th grades will be screened for hearing and vision sometime between October 15th – 18th.  Each student will be provided with their individual appointment time via the MS Office of when they are to report to the school nurse for their screening.  The School Nurse will be contacting parents of any student where results are not within normal range for that child’s age group.


Invitation to Bangkok International Choir Festival

By:  Dana Whiteley


ISB Booster Club would like to invite you and your family to:

Bangkok International Choir Festival

Huge numbers of voices – 300 singers, guest conductor Dinah Helgeson, huge variety and appeal for all ages.  Students from 11 different schools

Seating will be at a premium so please be in early to find a seat in the Chevron Saturday Oct 6th for the 2 pm start

Reception cake for everyone afterwards (supplied by the Boosters)


Booster Hut:  October Sales Flyer

By:  Pam Labbe

Please see enclosed flyer for more information.  Please click here for flyer oct sale ANNIV 1012


MS eNews

Friday, October 5, 2012

Our updated MS Calendar of upcoming events for the next four weeks:

Saturday, October 6

  • BISAC U13 Team Tennis (Girls at ISB, Boys at BPS)
  • BISAC Cross County at ISB

Tuesday, October 9

  • Early Dismissal at 1:00pm

Monday, October 15

  • Last Day MS Quarter 1 Elective Classes
  • Rescheduled from Wednesday, Oct 17:  MS Parent PTA Meeting at 6:00pm

Tuesday, October 16

  • First Day MS Quarter 2 Elective Classes

Wednesday, October 17

  • Cancelled:  MS Parent PTA Meeting at 6:00pm

Friday, October 19

  • MS Alternate Dress Day
  • MS Assembly (Time TBA)

Monday – Friday, October 22 – 26

  • October Break (No School)

Friday, November 2

  • MS Halloween Social (To Be Announced)

Saturday, November 3

  • BISAC U11 Basketball (Girls at ISB, Boys at BPS)
  • BISAC U13 Basketball (Girls at SHB, Boys at HIS)
  • BISAC U13 Boys Tennis Singles at BPS
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