Thursday and Friday, Oct. 4 and 5, 2012 No School
There is no school for elementary students this Thursday, Oct. 4 and Friday, Oct. 5, 2012.
Parent/Teachers Conferences October 4 & 5, 2012
All of our teachers look forward to sharing learning progress during our Parent/Teacher conferences. Please remember that if you would like a conference with a teacher other than the homeroom teacher, contact the teacher directly, or let the ES office know so that one can be scheduled. Specialists are scheduling parent conferences, and not having an Open House drop-in setting. Thank you for your cooperation.
The purpose of these conferences is to discuss learning growth over the first eight weeks of school. The format will be an informal conversation between parents and teachers. Classes resume on Monday, Oct. 8, 2012 and it will be an ’F’ Day.
2012 ES HUB Book Fair!
The Book Fair will be held during Parent/Teachers Conference Days, October 4 and 5, from 7:00-3:30. Leading publishers will be represented to sell the latest books from many popular titles. Students are welcome to browse books with their parents!
ES hub 2012 Book Fair Flyer
The Booster Hut October Sale: FALL into Savings
Dana Whiteley
We have our 60th anniversary apparel line on sale for October. Anniversary apparel sale prices can save you between 200B to 300B per item. Hurry in! Good while stock last this month.
Clearance items include the ISB pillowcase for 100B and Hanuman black fleece blanket for 1600B.
IASAS: Parents, there is a gold shirt in the October sale. Stock up on gold shirts for upcoming IASAS! Parents usually wear a gold shirt on the last day of IASAS tournaments to show panther pride.
NOTE: Open during conferences Thursday, Oct 4th & Friday, October 5th
Every Friday from 8:30am to 2:30pm – Booster Hut by main cafeteria
MOVIE SHOWING: The Lorax! October 16.
Green Panthers is an active environmental club, trying to bring environmental change at ISB and places around Thailand. By showing this movie, we want to teach students that all of us play a role in changing the Earth’s fate, and that the Lorax shows us that “unless” somebody like us students try and make a change, nothing will happen. We all should strive and become people who care and speak up about issues, just like the Lorax! We made this a school-wide event because Green Panthers are trying to unite Elementary School, Middle School and High school in order to change ISB’s ways and to make a greater change together. This movie will show on October 16, 2:15-4:00 in the Cultural Center. Please note: All elementary school students must be accompanied by a supervising adult.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012—Early Dismissal
Please note that all ISB students will be dismissed at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, October 9, 2012. On Early Dismissal Days (1:00 p.m.), school buses will leave at 1:15 p.m. A bus will operate for students who participate in After School activities. Early Dismissals allow faculty members and administrators to collaborate and further their professional development, providing a common meeting time for staff in all three divisions. Please note that no instructional time is lost as we have added additional school days to the academic year.
Parent Education Workshop – iPads for Learning Parent Training
iPads for Learning: Parent Training, Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012
Do you have an iPad at home? Would you like to engage your children in developmentally appropriate and learning-focused activities? Sarah Fleming, ES Technology and Learning Coach, will be providing a session to offer strategies, apps and even some tips and tricks to ensure your iPad is being used to its full learning potential. Please bring your iPad to the session if you can, although a limited number will be available for use.
When: Thursday, October 11 from 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Where: ESMPR
ES EAL Teachers Parents Workshop ‘Raising Multilingual Children’ Oct. 12
Olga Steklova
Parents are warmly invited to join our annual workshop entitled “Raising Multilinguals”. We believe that multilingualism is an asset and we are proud to be part of the diverse linguistic community at ISB. The workshop will give us all a chance to engage in conversations and sharing of ideas about providing the best learning environment for our bilingual and multilingual children at home. The workshop will be held on October 12, Friday, in the ES Multipurpose Room (MPR) from 7:30 to 9:00. We hope to see you there!
ES ‘Out of Uniform’ Day—October 11 and 12
These two days are ‘Out of uniform’ days in the Elementary School. On PE days, students need to wear their PE uniforms. On their non PE day, students may choose to not wear their ISB uniform.
Appropriate dress guidelines for our ‘Out of Uniform’ days are:
· Pants/slacks/shorts—good condition
· Shirts/blouses—sleeves & midriff required, appropriate logos only
· Skirts/dresses/jumpers—sleeves required, modest length
· Shoes—sneakers, street shoes or leather sandals with back strap
· Hats must be worn all the time when playing outside during recess or during PE classes
Bangkok International Choir Festival
Dana Whiteley
ISB Booster Club would like to invite you and your family to:
Bangkok International Choir Festival
Huge numbers of voices – 300 singers, guest conductor Dinah Helgeson, huge variety and appeal for all ages. Students from11 different schools
Seating will be at a premium so please be in early to find a seat in the Chevron Saturday Oct 6th for the 2 pm start
Reception cake for everyone afterwards (supplied by the Boosters)
ES After School Activities News
Livnat Ziskinder
Please note that Thursday and Friday, October 4th and 5th – ES Parent-Teachers conferences, no school, no ASA in session.
Next Tuesday October 9tht is an early release day so all ASA will take place one hour earlier from 1:15pm-2:15pm. There will be no Pre K “Cooking is fun” class on Tuesday.
There are limited spaces available in some of our ASA. You can still register and a fee pro rata will be arranged for you but don’t delay! Most of ASA have already hosted their 3rd session so there are no longer any changes permitted.
I am in the office daily from 1:30pm – 3:30pm if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a good weekend!
Livnat Ziskinder
ES After School Activities Coordinator
Join the ES Panther Chorus at the Choir Bash!
Ashley Jordan and Nicky Sandmann
The ES Panther Chorus will be performing alongside Middle School and High School Choirs for the 2nd Annual Choir Bash. The concert will take place on October 17th at 6:30 in the Chevron Theater. Each choir will perform a number of their own and then will combine to form a massed choir of over 200 voices. For choir members who want more information about the songs we’re singing and rehearsals check out the Panther Chorus page of the music blog here. It should be a great evening and we hope to see you there!
ES Musical ASA has begun!
Ashley Jordan and Nicky Sandmann
The ES Musical ASA has started with almost 80 students last Friday afternoon! We’re very excited to announce that this year’s musical will be “Honk!” which tells the story of the Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen. Because of Parent Teacher Conferences there is no ES Musical ASA this week. We start up again next week and will be meeting in the Chevron Theater. For more information about the ES Musical ASA check the Musical’s page on the blog here.
Using the Playground
Families are welcome to use the ISB playgrounds after school hours, with supervision. However, during the school day from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm, the playgrounds are to be used only by students for scheduled recess. This includes the PK/Kinder playground. After 1:00 PK dismissal, the playground should only be used by Kindergarteners for their scheduled recess. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?
Michelle Ihrig
Breakfast – It really is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it give you energy to start a new day, but breakfast is linked to many health benefits, including weight control and improved performance. According to the American Dietetic Association, children who eat breakfast perform better in the classroom and on the playground, with better concentration, problem-solving skills, and eye-hand coordination. Further, those who skip breakfast actually slow down their metabolism, hence decreased energy and concentration, and send their bodies into ‘famine’ mode, which begins to actually store fat instead of get rid of it! A breakfast high in protein, whole grains, and fresh fruits not only allows our bodies plenty of good vitamins and minerals to kick start the day, but also gives our system a more gradual release of energy so we maintain a more refreshed feeling as the day wears on. Studies also show that we make better food choices throughout, as we do not need to feed a sudden onset of hunger and want to eat everything in sight. Don’t have time at home for breakfast?? The ISB Cafeteria serves an array of healthy breakfast choices starting at 6:30am-9:30am Mon-Fri. Apart from the Grind, the Main Serving Stations are dishing out Organic Omelets, Continental selections, the Sandwich Bar is open, and of course everyone’s favorite Kao Tom (rice soup with choice of meats and/or tofu) is made from scratch daily. Families Welcome. Enjoy.
Michelle Ihrig
Epicure Catering
Manager of Operations ISB, Tel. 02-963-5800 ext. 7728
Calendar of Events
October 2012
Oct. 9 | 1:00 pm Early Dismissal |
Oct. 11 | ES Parent Education Workshop 7:30 am |
Oct. 11-12 | ES ‘Out of School Uniform’ Day |
Oct. 12 | ES EAL Teachers Parents Workshop ‘Raising Multilingual Children’ 7:30 am (ES MPR) |
Oct. 13 | Cub Scouts Pack Event |
Oct. 15 | ES U11 Basketball @ ISB |
Oct. 15-19 | ES Hearing & Vision Screening for Grades 1,3,5 and new students in Grades 2 and 4) |
Oct. 16 | PTA Executive Board Meeting10:00 am |
Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00 pm | |
Oct. 19 | Girl Scouts Investiture/Rededication Ceremony |
Oct. 22-26 | October Break (No school for students and teachers) |
Oct. 23 | Chulalongkorn Day (Holiday for Classified Staff) |