ES After School Activities News

Livnat Ziskinder

Please note that Thursday and Friday, October 4th and 5th – ES Parent-Teachers conferences, no school, no ASA in session.

Next Tuesday October 9tht is an early release day so all ASA will take place one hour earlier from 1:15pm-2:15pm. There will be no Pre K “Cooking is fun”  class on Tuesday.

There are limited spaces available in some of our ASA. You can still register and a fee pro rata will be arranged for you but don’t delay! Most of ASA have already hosted their 3rd session so there are no longer any changes permitted.
I am in the office daily from 1:30pm – 3:30pm if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a good weekend!

Livnat Ziskinder
ES After School Activities Coordinator

About Tina

ES secretary
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