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Feedback from September Principal Forum

By: Philip Bradley

Please see attached (PF pictures and information 2012, Principal Forum Min sept 2012) meeting notes and photos.

A link to the pod-cast of the meeting can be found here.

Please also direct all agenda items for the next forum to All agenda items must be submitted by 9pm on November 14th. Next Open Forum will be at 9 am, Wednesday, November 21, location to be sent out in HS e-news closer to date.

Parent/Teacher Conferences Reminder
By: Philip Bradley
Please note that the high school Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on Friday 5th October, this is not an instructional day for students. Students are strongly encouraged to join their parents (uniforms are not required).

Conferences will be held in the HS Gym.
Session 1:        7:30 to 11:15
Lunch:            11:15 to 12:00
Session 2        12:00 to 3:00

Parent/Teacher conferences are NOT pre-booked. Rather parents queue to meet each teacher. The conference format works very well but does not allow for lengthy conversations, 5min is typical. Arriving with specific questions is a good plan especially if you have a concern that needs to be addressed. If you require an in depth / follow-up discussion with a teacher, please make an appointment for another day. If you are flexible in the time you can attend conferences I would recommend you come after lunch, since this period is less busy.

 Yearbook Photos Starting, Grade 9, 10, and 11

By: Keith Miller

Dear Parents,
It is time for the student yearbook photos already. Important Dates:
October 2, 3, and 4th: KidsFoto will be on campus taking photos for grades 9, 10, and 11 (all students must be in uniform)
October 29th: Proofs at ISB for distribution and ordering
November 9th: Orders need to be submitted to HS office to ensure a pre-holiday delivery
December 10th: All orders submitted the Nov 9 should be in for pick up.
Senior Parents
By Keith Miller
Several important dates to put on your calendars for the High School Yearbook
October 4th: Alternate Dress day for SENIORS ONLY…for class photo. 10:20 am (Turf Field D)
October 6th and 7th: Senior Portraits will be taken at ISB from 9 am-5 pm (Publications/Photo Room 4-106)
November 30th: All Senior Portraits, photos, signatures and personal information must be submitted to the yearbook class.
January 18th: Senior Quotes for the yearbook must be submitted to the yearbook class
Please note:
If students do not want to use KidsFoto or would like to schedule an appointment at their studio in town, they may do so. Information will be distributed to all seniors at the assembly on Tuesday, October 2nd.
Any assistance in helping us make these deadlines is greatly appreciated. After the January 18th deadline, we can no longer accept submissions and you student may not appear in their last high school yearbook.   Thank you! The Yearbook Staff

3 Upcoming  HIgh School EAL Teas for New Parents
By: Karen Reau

EAL New Parent Tea
Date: Monday, October 8, 2012
Place: New Cultural Center 4th floor
High School Room #8-413
Time: 12:45 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.

Orientation to HS EAL SIM Program (in English with Thai and Korean translation, and other languages as possible upon request)

EAL New Japanese Parent Tea
Date: Friday 12, 2012
Place: New Cultural Center 4th floor
High School Room #8-408
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Orientation to HS EAL SIM Program (in English with Japanese translation)

EAL New Foundations Parent Tea
Date: Friday, October 12, 2012
Place: New Cultural Center 4th floor
High School Room #8-408
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Orientation to HS EAL SIM Foundations Program (in English with Japanese translation)

Invitations were sent home with students today (September 26, 2012).

Any questions please contact Ms. Karen Reau, High School EAL Head of Department @
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