Assessment in the HS at International School Bangkok
Dear Parents
Assessment, evaluation and reporting are all important components in the learning process/cycle. This document provides information on ISB’s philosophy, principles and commitments to this important area. In addition you will find some key definitions and explanations of some of the related practices. We have linked in our HAL rubric, details regarding Broad Learning Categories and Powerschool Help for Parents.
I hope you find this useful and informative. If having read the documentation there are specific questions you would like answering please feel free to contact me. Ideally we could meet next Friday at parent teacher conferences.
Philip Bradley
Parent/Teacher Conferences Reminder
By: Philip Bradley
Please note that the high school Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on Friday 5th October, this is not an instructional day for students. Students are strongly encouraged to join their parents (uniforms are not required).
Conferences will be held in the HS Gym.
Session 1: 7:30 to 11:15
Lunch: 11:15 to 12:00
Session 2 12:00 to 3:00
Parent/Teacher conferences are NOT pre-booked. Rather parents queue to meet each teacher. The conference format works very well but does not allow for lengthy conversations, 5min is typical. Arriving with specific questions is a good plan especially if you have a concern that needs to be addressed. If you require an in depth / follow-up discussion with a teacher, please make an appointment for another day. If you are flexible in the time you can attend conferences I would recommend you come after lunch, since this period is less busy.
Worrisome Downtown Party tonight
SAT Preparation offered by Princeton Review
By: Philip Rogers
ISB students who are interested in getting support for SAT or other university entrance testing please see the attached (SAT_ACT_The Princeton Review Thailand) flier from Princeton Review. Other fliers and information are available in the Counseling Centre for the courses offered by Princeton Review for courses up to the end of this year.
Mr Rogers
IB Exam Registrations
By: Philip Rogers
A reminder to all Seniors and Juniors who are taking IB examinations in May to return your registration form to my office no later than October 3rd to ensure you are correctly registered. Please also ensure you make arrangements for the accompanying invoices to be paid. All students taking one or more IB exams will have invoices sent out in the next week. Thank you to our IB Diploma students and families who have now completed this process.
Grade 10 ISA Testing
By: Philip Rogers
Next week all Grade 10 will be completing the International Schools Assessment (ISA) in Mathematical Literacy, Reading and Writing. This will be conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Students will find their locations on the noticeboard outside the HS office on Monday. They are expected to bring a pencil, black pen, eraser, ruler, sharpener and calculator to the test. EAL students may also bring a translating dictionary. Students do not need to study for these tests.
This Week in the Counseling Office.
By: Jeffery Harper
Week seven has been very busy in the Counseling Office: By Monday morning, Oct. 1, the Counselors will have hosted over 100 university admissions office representatives in 8 days! Oh, and did our regular jobs too! Whew!
If you haven’t already done so, please ask your Seniors to make an appointment with their counselor to discuss their individual university application plan. There are many details to discuss, such as, Early Decision/Action, financial certificates, essays, etc.
Juniors were given their parent access codes for Naviance, the university and career planning and exploration program, to take home this past week. If you haven’t seen these, please ask your child!
Freshmen began meeting with the Freedom From Chemical Dependence (FCD) trainers from the 26th. FCD is a part of ISB’s substance abuse prevention program. This is a great time to have another conversation about substance abuse . . . and to express your family values about this issue. Even though you may have had “the talk” about drugs and alcohol, and your children have promised to uphold your family rules, they NEVER leave the decision threshold, and therefore, need regular opportunities to renew their commitments to their family.
ISB does not send or mail any “report cards” home to parents: Parents must consult PowerSchool to monitor your child’s academic achievement in school. Teachers leave notes to students AND parents on PowerSchool, so you should check once a week. However, parents should not check their children’s grades too often, as this puts undue pressure on their child and can increase grade anxiety. A once–a-week chat about school and grades, with PowerSchool open, would be a good family practice, with parents helping their child to find and use resources when or if improvement is needed.
As some parents have noticed, the Internet connection at ISB is under repair for improved performance. Lately, the system has been very slow, or stopped. Please be patient: the Counselors will make every effort to reply to any electronic correspondence within 24 hours on work days. The Counselors are not normally available on week-ends for quick e-mail reply.
Students receive many, many (too many?) e-mails from universities. Some of these should not be ignored. Often a university is sending an e-mail because they are actively recruiting your son or daughter . . . and are able to “sweetened the pot” by offering financial help to bring in your application. If your son or daughter receive an e-mail from a university that may be a good fit, possibly as a “safety” school, you might be wise to apply, especially before mid-October, when colleges and universities have a larger pot of financial aid at their disposal. Ask your son or daughter to show you, or forward, the college–related e-mail they have been receiving.
What’s Coming Up…
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parents are encouraged to attend Parent-Teacher Conferences this coming Friday, October 5 in the main gymnasium. The counselors will be seated in the back of the gym and prefer speaking to parents after they have spoken with all of their children’s teachers.
College 101
There will be a “College 101” session at 11:30am in association with Parent-Teacher Conference day on Friday, October 5th. The session is for parents of 9-11th graders who would be considering university in The States for their children in the future. Watch on that day for the posted signs announcing the location.
University Research Lab
The University Research Lab is open EVERY Monday for students who would like to work on their university application, essay, search, etc. Open from 2:15 – 3:00 in Room 203 and a counselor will be there to help. Encourage your senior to make this a weekly habit!
Registration for the November SAT is October 4th! The College Board DOES NOT ALLOW any “Stand-By” or “Walk-In” registrations any more! If you are a Senior taking the SAT in November, remember to use your four (4) FREE score reports when registering – they cost a lot to send them later! T
University Visits: All University Representatives’ Meetings occur during lunch period, unless otherwise noted (Please check Naviance for any last minute changes, cancellations or delays. Parents are always welcome)
Linden Tour (39 GREAT universities mostly from the USA) Mon. Oct. 1
Cafeteria 10:15 – 11:20 – Check Naviance for full list!
Lafayette College | Wed. Oct 3 |
Canadian Mini-Fair: University of CalgaryCarleton University
Dalhousie Universality Trent University |
Mon. Oct. 8 |
University of San Francisco | Mon. Oct. 8 |
School of the Art Institute of Chicago | Mon. Oct. 8 |
University of Connecticut | Tue. Oct. 9 |
Miami University (Oxford, Ohio, USA) | Tue. Oct. 9 |
University of Minnesota (Twin Cities) | Tue. Oct. 9 |
University of Oregon | Tue. Oct. 9 |
University of Southern California | Wed. Oct. 10 |
Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne | Thu. Oct. 11 |
University of Westminister | Thu. Oct. 11 |
3.30pm JVB Soccer vs. TRAILL, JVG Soccer vs. RIS
5.00pm VB Soccer vs. NIST
6.15pm VG Soccer vs. Sports School Bangkok
6.30pm VB Volleyball vs. NIST
7.30pm VG Volleyball vs. NIST
Athletics Director
Bangkok International Choir Festival (BICF)
By: Keri Fitzgerald
Bangkok International Choir Festival BICF Concert 2 pm Chevron Saturday Oct 6th Everyone welcome to come and hear the beauty of our young voices with special guest conductor Diana Helgeson
“Girl Talk. Period.”
By:Darcy Eid
Girl Talk. Period. Oct 9th, 6:00pm, MBP 2&3
The PTA is happy to bring “Girl Talk. Period.” to all girls and their moms from fourth grade through high school. This talk was first introduced last year to the female members of the ISB swim team and their moms, and brought back by popular demand.
Registered dietitian, Aimee Cassulo, MPH, RD, will open with practical knowledge and suggestions for adolescent nutrition, highlighting the special needs of females. Following Aimee’s presentation is a snack break featuring some of her favorite nutritious “on-the-go” snacks.
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Amy Lobner, MSN, CPNP, rounds out the evening with a discussion on female health. Topics include sleep, moodiness, and menstrual management. Not sure if this is appropriate for your daughter? Please feel free to contact Amy ( for more in depth information on her agenda items.
To register for this presentation, please click on the following link:
Booster Club e-news
By: Dana Whiteley
Spirit Night, Friday, September 28 – Soccer and Volleyball!
Dana Whiteley 2012-2013 Booster Club President
Keep your eyes open for the Panther! He might He will be on the prowl in the morning in ES.
Panther Pops will make an appearance by the hut during the day!
In the evening it’s Panther School Spirit night! Come and bring your Panther school spirit. The fun starts at 3:30 in and around the gyms and fields.
Booster Club will have a Spirit tent by the Rajendra gym. We will be selling Booster Hut and Spirit items, the famous PANTHER POPS, American candies and drinks.
Booster Club is always looking for volunteers at these events. We look for parents to work 1 of 2 shifts. It helps if we can alternate and allow the parents to watch their student-athlete play at these events while some of us work the Spirit events. Donations for baked goods are also very much welcomed.
For anyone who would like to volunteer in the Booster Tent or donate brownies or rice krispy treats, please contact
Terri Alexander 2012-2013 Booster Club Vice-President/Events and
Elisabeth Jessen 2012-2013 Booster Club Spirit Crew volunteer Coordinator/Recognitions
Let them know how you can have fun with us while helping boost school spirit and “Panther Pride” at ISB.
But most of all, COME TO THE GAMES!!!!!
Come support the first season sports teams! Watch soccer and volleyball.
Cheer with some friends, eat and enjoy the fun atmosphere of ISB Spirit Night!
Come and be ready to do the Panther rumble,
Wear your best black and gold. Put on as much black and gold as you can,
and make as much noise as you can to Panther School spirit night!
GO ISBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Booster Club is your organization to promote and support ISB Athletics, the Fine and Performing Arts and the Academics by encouraging school spirit, hosting events and fundraising.
Dana Whiteley
2012-2013 Booster Club President
Last chance to register for BBSA Baseball/Softball!!
Community baseball/softball has swapped seasons with community soccer, so it is now time to register for BBSA play.
You can make your payment at the Community Activity Office (CAO) or pay by Thai bank wire transfer. Credit cards and Thai baht checks are accepted.
League assessment will be held on Sunday Oct 7th and Sunday Oct 14th at the ISB fields. All players are strongly encouraged to attend both assessment sessions but it is vital that all players attend at least one assessment session to allow the coaches to create fair and balanced teams. Parents will be contacted about the specific times for their player’s assessment session.
Practice will begin in late October with Opening Day for baseball/softball on Saturday, Nov 10th, 2012. All games are played on Friday evenings and Saturdays at ISB. Games will continue every weekend until the league championships the weekend of February 8th/9th.
All teams will practice once per week during the season as a weekly practice is important to skills development and to learn the fundamentals of teamwork, etc. Most practices will take place at the ISB fields on weekday evenings (Monday – Thursday). We will arrange downtown Bangkok location for weekly practice at NIST. Parents will have to pay THB 500 for the season for this practice because NIST charges for field usage. But all players should register to play even if they cannot commit to attending all weekly practice sessions.
On the registration form you will also have an opportunity to volunteer to be a coach, assistant coach or team parent. Please consider helpng out with your child’s team in some way. The kids really love having their parents helping out with their team and you will have a great time. No previous baseball experience is necessary.
BBSA has purchased a limited number of fielding gloves and batting gloves for players who need them. These will be sold on our assessment days on Sunday, Oct 7th and 14th. Please note that the BBSA no longer has any baseball cleats to sell. So parents who want baseball cleats will need to obtain them on your own.
Please go to
See enclosed BBSA brochure 2012
Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?
By:Michelle Ihrig, Epicure Catering, Tel. 02-963-5800 ext. 7728
Breakfast– It really is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it give you energy to start a new day, but breakfast is linked to many health benefits, including weight control and improved performance. According to the American Dietetic Association, children who eat breakfast perform better in the classroom and on the playground, with better concentration, problem-solving skills, and eye-hand coordination. Further, those who skip breakfast actually slow down their metabolism, hence decreased energy and concentration, and send their bodies into ‘famine’ mode, which begins to actually store fat instead of get rid of it! A breakfast high in protein, whole grains, and fresh fruits not only allows our bodies plenty of good vitamins and minerals to kick start the day, but also gives our system a more gradual release of energy so we maintain a more refreshed feeling as the day wears on. Studies also show that we make better food choices throughout, as we do not need to feed a sudden onset of hunger and want to eat everything in sight. Don’t have time at home for breakfast?? The ISB Cafeteria serves an array of healthy breakfast choices starting at 6:30am-9:30am Mon-Fri. Apart from the Grind, the Main Serving Stations are dishing out Organic Omelets, Continental selections, the Sandwich Bar is open, and of course everyone’s favorite Kao Tom (rice soup with choice of meats and/or tofu) is made from scratch daily. Families Welcome. Enjoy.