Directions for scheduling your MS Parent-Teacher Conference Appointments…

MS Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences, October 4 – 5, 2012

Dear Parents,

Our middle school parent-student-teacher conferences will be taking place during the school day, in place of classes, on Thursday and Friday, October 4th and 5th.  Following, you will find some information about the conferences, what to expect, and how you can schedule time with your child’s different teachers. If you are attending the conferences, your child is expected to also attend (in school uniform) with you, as he/she plays the most important role in the process!  Our goal is that your son or daughter plays an integral part of the conversation rather than sitting quietly as an observer.


What to Expect

You’ll be able to schedule individual appointments with some teachers through Pickatime – a web-based program that enables you to schedule online (directions on how appear further in this document):

  • For all Humanities, Math, Science, and World Languages, you will be able to schedule a 10 minute block of time individually with each of those teachers.
  • For students who receive support from our EAL or Learning Support programs, you can schedule a 25 minute block of time to meet with your child’s EAP Humanities or Learning Support teacher.
  • For all PE, Performing/Visual Arts, and other classes, teachers will be available to conference with on a drop-in basis – please take the time to drop by their room as your schedule allows to conference with them.


Parents who would feel more comfortable with having a translator present are encouraged to bring someone along with them to the conferences.

How to Schedule Your Conference Times Online

Please follow the directions below to access Pick-a-Time online to schedule your conferences.  You can access the site at your convenience anytime from now until 2:00pm on Wednesday, October 3rd to schedule your conferences or make any necessary changes once scheduled.

To get to the Conference Scheduler, please click on the following link and then follow the directions below (you may want to print out the directions first so you have them handy to follow).  The link is:

How to Register – You need to do this even if you were here last year

  1. 1. Click on the link provided above.
  2. 2. Click “Login/Create Account”
  3. 3. Fill in the required fields and register.
  4. 4. For each middle school child you have, you will have to add them in
    1. a. Enter child’s student ID number
    2. b. Enter child’s birth date (use format mm/dd/yr  eg. 02/26/10 – you need to include the / in between the month, day, and year)

How to Sign In (after having registered first time)

Enter your email and password. The system will know about any appointments you have made previously.

How to Schedule Appointments

1. You will see a list of your child’s teachers you are able to schedule a conference with. Select the box next to the teacher name(s) that you would like to schedule a conference with. You will then see the schedule of available times for those teachers.

2. Each colored square represents an available meeting time. The legend shows you what teacher corresponds to what color.  Click on a square to schedule that time

3. Then click on “Create Appointment”.

4. Repeat until you have a time with each teacher you’d like to visit with.

You can click on the “Printable Schedule” link located on the top right corner and print the resulting web page to get a hard copy of your schedule.

Please contact Khun Arisa at or, Mr. Baron-Toaldo at, in the MS Office with any technical difficulties.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our MS Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences where we hope many meaningful conversations take place of not only where your child is at presently in his or her learning, but of where their learning could go next!

Tom Burgess             Moe Baron-Toaldo

MS Principal             MS Vice-Principal

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