ISB MS Habits and Attitudes for Learning

By Tom Burgess, MS Principal

Dear MS Parents,

As part of our transition this year to a standards-based assessment system, we will be reporting in PowerSchool and on Semester report cards on six Habits and Attitudes for Learning (see below).  These HAL are the important building blocks for our students to develop in order to support their learning in all subject areas and in all grades, and provide the foundation for each student to reach her/his academic potential in the future.   Teachers have already started reporting on HAL in PowerSchool, and all students will receive HAL reports in every class by mid-Semester (October 15th).  HAL reporting is based upon the following frequency levels: Consistently, Frequently, Occasionally, Rarely.  In PowerSchool, when you enter the ‘Grades’ section for any class, you will see the HAL Key at the top of the page along with a neighboring Key for Attainment of Learning Goals (to be discussed in a future MS eNews).

ISB MS Habits and Attitudes for Learning

COLLABORATIVE: Collaborates well, shows kindness and consideration, and assists others when appropriate

ENGAGED: Actively participates, contributes, and provides leadership as appropriate in class

INDEPENDENT: Pays attention, follows instructions, uses time productively, and works independently when expected

PREPARED: Organizes time and materials well, Is well prepared for class, and completes assigned work in a timely manner

REFLECTIVE: Reflects on own learning, sets and pursues goals for improvement, and asks for assistance when needed

RESPECTFUL: Respects self and school learning community, demonstrates honesty, and acts in an ethical manner


Please take the opportunity periodically to sit down with your daughter or son to look through their PowerSchool account and discuss their HAL reports with them.  As you do, let them know that you are proud of them for the positive patterns that you see they are demonstrating.  You can then ask if s/he sees any pattern areas where they would like to improve, thereby helping them develop their skills of metacognition as well as their sense of responsibility for their performance.  If they have identified an area to improve, help them by asking questions to lead them to steps they can take to improve in those areas and offer your support to help them reach their goals.   Often times the HAL areas of ‘INDEPENDENT’ and ‘PREPARED’ are areas with which many middle school students continually struggle.   Developing Habits and Attitudes for Learning is a multi-year journey, and we look forward to working in partnership with you as parents to support your child(ren)’s development in these areas during their middle school years.

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