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Learning in the ES

When we look at learning evidence to shape how we instruct our students, we analyze a variety of data.  One of the ways we collect learning evidence is by talking to students about their learning.  We recently talked with students about some of the ways they are recording their thinking on sticky notes while they are reading.  Here are some of the quotes we heard from the students’ mouths in grade 5:

“Because of the thinking prompts we are now using, I am recording much more about why I think certain things while I am reading.”
“I use the prompt ‘I used to think __________, but now I think _____________.’ because it helps me understand more about my book.”
“I look back at the sticky notes I use when I read the book, and my perspective changes the more I read.”
“My thinking gets more precise when I revise my sticky notes during my reading.”
“If I record my thinking while I am reading, it helps me see how my character is developing and changing throughout the book.”
“My first sticky note had three words on it, now I go back and I see how much more I am writing about my thinking.  It helps me understand the book.”
“It helps me reflect about the characters.  It helps me to understand who they are and why they do the things they are doing.”

Professional Learning Day and ISB Holiday

Thursday, Sept. 20, 2012 is Professional Learning Day for teachers.  No school for students.
Friday, Sept. 21, 2012 is ISB holiday.  Also no school.  Classes will resume on Monday, Sept. 24, 2012.  It will be a ‘D’ day.  Enjoy your long weekend!

School Supplies Donations from last year

Thank you to all who donated end of the year supplies.  This photo was taken as the hilltribe school in Mae Tang received them.  They sent a wonderful note of thanks and they very much appreciate what we collected and gave.

school supplies donated

ES PTA Meeting

All parents are invited to attend the first PTA MEETING of the year on Thursday, Sept 27th, 7:45am ES MPR.

Topics: International Day and meet the curriculum team

ES Musical needs parent help

Ashley Jordan

The ES Musical team is looking for parent volunteers to be part of our support group for this year’s production. If you think your child will join the ES Musical this September and you have a passion for helping with all things musical theater (especially stagecraft and costumes) please contact our parent volunteer coordinator Anita Gopalaswamy at or 0890316294.

Also, if you run the “Community Songs” notice in the faculty bulletin the links don’t work. Is there a way we could attach links so that they do? Let me know if I can help with this!

Stress Management Parent Workshop

Kevin Davy

All children will have stress. It’s natural, and normal. As parents our role is not to ‘ make it go away’ but to help our children manage stress in healthy ways. As parents we need to be able to recognize the signs of stress in our children, the physical or behavioral or verbal messages they try to send to us to let us know they are overwhelmed by a stressful situation.

Our Parent workshop will focus on understanding what stress is and what to do to help our children. The workshop will be on Thursday, September 27th, from 8.00am – 9.30.  The workshop will take place in Cultural Center Theater.

There are a limited number of places available so please contact the ISB Curriculum office to reserve your spot. (Khun Joom: )

Elementary School Parent/Teachers Conferences Oct. 4 & Oct. 5, 2012

Thank you for turning in your Parent/Teacher Conference request form.  A confirmation of your conference time will be sent home on Wednesday, Sept. 19.  Please return the confirmation sheet to your child’s homeroom teacher by Monday, Sept. 24th, 2012.  We look forward to discussing your child’s learning growth with you.  Please Note:  There is no school for Elementary Students on Oct. 4 and Oct. 5.

2012 ES HUB Book Fair!

We are pleased to announce the 2012 ES HUB book fair.  The Fair will be held October 4 and 5 from 7:00-3:30.  Leading publishers will be there to sell the latest books from many popular titles.  Students are welcome to browse books with their parents!
ES hub 2012 Book Fair Flyer

ES After School Activities News

Livnat Ziskinder

This Semester’s After School Activity program will begin on Monday September 17th.
ES ASA locations and availability posted daily outside the ES office.·
Thursday September 20th and Friday September 21st – School Holiday, no school, no ASA in session.

There are still limited spaces available in some of our ASA. You can still register but don’t delay! Remember, once the ASA schedule begins there are NO REFUNDS however, you may change your ASA choice once it is before your third session.

I am in the office daily from 1:30pm – 3:30pm if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a great weekend!

Livnat Ziskinder
ES After School Activities Coordinator

Cub Scouts Pack 701


Cub Scout Date Change

The Cub Scout campout which appears in the school calendar and previous school communications has been rescheduled from September 14-15 (Friday night) to September 15-16 (Saturday night) in order to accommodate other activities on ISB campus.  The Camp 101 campout will officially begin at 3:00 pm on Saturday at the MPB 2-3.  Parents of registered cub scouts can sign up and pay for the campout at the CAO office. If you have any questions, please contact your den leader or email

Panther Tennis

by Community Activities Office

Panther Tennis Committee

A collective parent group, the ‘Parents Tennis Committee’ [PTC] has been formed, so parents may work together in a joint effort to reinstate the tennis program as swiftly & as best possible.

We acknowledge this is a new committee, in a new environment, which will need to grow and change regularly to best suit the student tennis program needs. We are grateful for those parents willing to contribute to this collaborative effort. Currently, our main objective is to  serve the students of ISB with a quality tennis program for all levels of tennis. Our current aim is to jump-start this program at the start of Term 2: October 29th.

Sign up for the PTC closes September 19th. On September 24th the members will be announced, forming the initial Parents Tennis Committee.  Please email to sign up for a position.

Positions are listed below with current parent sign up names in CAP.’S & positions we need filled asterisked * in red. If positions are not filled by the 19th, the PTC will move forward as is, with all members sharing responsibilities:

* PTC Coordinator : Senior/Key Coordinator [1 person/1 vote]
* Secretary : to provide meeting summaries & liaise with CAO & tennis program [1 or 2 people, 1 collective vote]

Student Coordinators representing needs of each age group/group

[1 or 2 people, 1 collective vote]
* ES Rep. [1 or 2 people to share]
MS Rep. [1 or 2 people to share] ‘LYN’ EVELYN SETHBHAKDI
HS Rep. [1 or 2 people to share] PRIYA KING
Competitive Players Rep. [1 or 2 people to share] SHARKA FURDA

Tournament/Sponsorship Rep. : to manage match play & end of term tournament schedule with the head of the tennis program & coordinate relevant sponsors
[1 or 2 people, 1 collective vote] JILL WALKER

Advisory panel: Legal, Finance, Tennis related advice from professionals [2-3 people to share, 1 collective vote] MARCUS COLLINS, VIRGINIE VAN DE COTTE, ANDY CHAN.

* General Assembly: Tennis Parents interested without Committee positions [unlimited members, 1 collective vote] MATTHEW WALKER

When the PTC is announced on September 24th, an immediate meeting of available members will be held on the 24th or 25th to set & announce parameters for tennis program/head coach candidates/applicants. Candidates will have 1 week [October 3rd] to submit their candidacy/proposal to the PTC, from which point, a review/interviewing process will be set over the following week with an aim to conclude with a final vote October 12th.

Panther Tennis Committee

BBSA – Baseball and softball registration is now open

BBSA – Baseball and softball registration is now open for the 2012-13 season
Kevin Sypolt

Community baseball/softball has swapped seasons with community soccer, so it is now time to register for BBSA play.

Bangkok Baseball Softball Association has organized baseball/softball play for the past 52 years in Bangkok. There are leagues for boys and girls ages 5 yrs – 18 yrs.  Please note registration is open from now until September 30th.  We must register players now so we have time to hold player assessments, form teams and order player uniforms before play begins.  Current fees per player are THB 2,500.  Registration fees will increase to THB 3,500 on October 1st so be sure to register on time.

You can make your payment at the Community Activity Office (CAO) or pay by Thai bank wire transfer.  Credit cards are now accepted.  Thai baht checks will also be accepted.

League assessment will be held on Sunday Oct 7th and Sunday Oct 14th at the ISB fields.  All players are strongly encouraged to attend both assessment sessions but it is vital that all players attend at least one assessment session to allow the coaches to create fair and balanced teams.   Parents will be contacted about the specific times for their player’s assessment session.

Practice will begin in late October with Opening Day for baseball/softball on Saturday, Nov 10th, 2012.  All games are played on Friday evenings and Saturdays at ISB.  Games will continue every weekend until the league championships the weekend of February 8th/9th.

All teams will practice once per week during the season as a weekly practice is important to skills development and to learn the fundamentals of teamwork, etc.  Most practices will take place at the ISB fields on weekday evenings (Monday – Thursday).  We will arrange downtown Bangkok location for weekly practice at NIST.  Parents will have to pay THB 500 for the season for this practice because NIST charges for field usage.  But all players should register to play even if they cannot commit to attending all weekly practice sessions.

On the registration form you will also have an opportunity to volunteer to be a coach, assistant coach or team parent.  Please consider helpng out with your child’s team in some way.  The kids really love having their parents helping out with their team and you will have a great time.  No previous baseball experience is necessary.

BBSA has purchased a limited number of fielding gloves and batting gloves for players who need them.  These will be sold on our assessment days on Sunday, Oct 7th and 14th.  Please note that the BBSA no longer has any baseball cleats to sell.  So parents who want baseball cleats will need to obtain them on your own.

Please go to  to register.  If you have any questions, please contact Kevin Sypolt at

BBSA Brochure 2012

Using the Playground

Families are welcome to use the ISB playgrounds after school hours, with supervision. However, during the school day from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm, the playgrounds are to be used only by students for scheduled recess. This includes the PK/Kinder playground. After 1:00 PK dismissal, the playground should only be used by Kindergarteners for their scheduled recess. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

Michelle Ihrig

…100% Organic White and Brown Rice has arrived to the ES Cafeteria!!  Gone be the conventional grown rice containing pesticides. What a relief to everyone, especially to those who are concerned about the large volumes some children consume of rice, now you know it is wholly natural, chemical free.  This is a ‘win win’ situation for all, the environment and our health.  How is it served?  A ratio of approx 30% brown rice is already mixed in with the white rice, hence when choosing rice, every portion has whole grain goodness inside.  Why have we chosen to invest in such?  Because we take our food seriously and understand the effects it has on our growing children. Now that is something to celebrate! Enjoy.

Michelle Ihrig
Epicure Catering
Manager of Operations ISB, Tel. 02-963-5800 ext. 7728

Calendar of Events

August/September 2012

Sept. 15-16 Cub Scouts Pack Event –Camp out
Sept. 17 ES After School Activities Begin
Girl Scouts Meeting
After The Wave Concert
Sept. 18 PTA Executive Board Meeting 10:00 am
Board of Trustees Meeting 6:00 pm (MPB 2 & 3)
Sept. 19 Girls Scouts Weekly Meeting Begins 3:30 pm
Sept. 20 Professional Learning Day (No school for students)
Sept. 21 ISB Holiday (No School)
Sept. 24 U11 Basketball Begins
Sept. 25 Food Committee Meeting 9:00 am (HS Conf. Rm)
Sept. 27 ES PTA Meeting7:45 am (ES MPR)
Stress Workshop for Parents 8:00 am
Transport Committee Meeting 9:00 am (HS Conf. Rm)
Sept. 30 ISB Gymnastics Registration First Semester Closes


About Tina

ES secretary
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