Cafeteria News…Did You Know…?

Michelle Ihrig

…100% Organic White and Brown Rice has arrived to the ES Cafeteria!!  Gone be the conventional grown rice containing pesticides. What a relief to everyone, especially to those who are concerned about the large volumes some children consume of rice, now you know it is wholly natural, chemical free.  This is a ‘win win’ situation for all, the environment and our health.  How is it served?  A ratio of approx 30% brown rice is already mixed in with the white rice, hence when choosing rice, every portion has whole grain goodness inside.  Why have we chosen to invest in such?  Because we take our food seriously and understand the effects it has on our growing children. Now that is something to celebrate! Enjoy.

Michelle Ihrig
Epicure Catering
Manager of Operations ISB, Tel. 02-963-5800 ext. 7728

About Tina

ES secretary
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