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Due to popular demand “Single Page View” is back. This option will be available  at the bottom of each week’s eNews.

ISB Booster Club News – Coming events

by Dana Whiteley
2012-2013 Booster Club President

Booster Club is your organization to promote and support ISB Athletics, the Fine and Performing Arts and the Academics by encouraging school spirit, hosting events and fundraising.

Booster Club has a very busy 2 weekends coming up:

(1) Saturday, September 15

Varsity girls’ and boys’ cross country and volleyball team EXCHANGE

International Schools from Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Singapore and Bangkok will be here at ISB

Varsity girls’ and boys’ soccer will be Singapore American School for the EXCHANGE

(2) Friday, September 28


(3) Weekend, September 28, 29

Soccer and Volleyball Friendship Tournament

For all these events,  Booster Club will have a Spirit tent by the Rajendra gym.  For September 15, the Spirit tent will be open from 8:00-4:30PM.  We will also be selling Booster Hut items during these times.  And Booster Club’s famous PANTHER POPS will make an appearance.

Booster Club is always looking for volunteers at these events.  We look for parents to work 1 of 2 shifts selling food items, American candies, spirit items and drinks.  Donations for baked goods are also very much welcomed.  It helps if we can alternate and allow the parents to watch their student athlete play at these events while some of us work the Spirit events.

So please contact our Booster Club Vice President-Spirit/Events, Terri Alexander ( and let her how you can have fun with us while helping boost school spirit and “Panther Pride” at ISB*

But most of all, COME TO THE GAMES!!!!!
Come and be ready to do the Panther rumble,
put on as much black and gold as you can,
and make as much noise as you can to the ISB spirit events!
GO ISBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Dana Whiteley
2012-2013 Booster Club President


Cub Scout Date Change

Cub Scouts Pack 701

The Cub Scout campout which appears in the school calendar and previous school communications has been rescheduled from September 14-15 (Friday night) to September 15-16 (Saturday night) in order to accommodate other activities on ISB campus.  The Camp 101 campout will officially begin at 3:00 pm on Saturday at the MPB 2-3.  Parents of registered cub scouts can sign up and pay for the campout at the CAO office. If you have any questions, please contact your den leader or email

An event not to be missed – the art of song

by Wendy VanBramer
On Monday, Sept 17th, 6:30 PM in the Cultural Center Theatre is an event not be missed.  Please join us for a short concert and be home in time to finish homework!
The Art of Song will feature Soprano, Dana Garnett, Pianist, Tony Newman, and Tenor, Anthony Giles in a special concert of classical, musical theater and modern day genre. All proceeds will benefit After the Wave Foundation Thailand, a registered foundation run entirely by members of the ISB community.
Tickets are available at the door in or in the ISB Admissions Office. The suggested minimum donation is 200 baht.
We hope to see you there!


Panther Tennis Committee

by Community Activities Office
contact: collective parent group, the ‘Parents Tennis Committee’ [PTC] has been formed, so parents may work together in a joint effort to reinstate the tennis program as swiftly & as best possible.
We acknowledge this is a new committee, in a new environment, which will need to grow and change regularly to best suit the student tennis program needs. We are grateful for those parents willing to contribute to this collaborative effort. Currently, our main objective is to  serve the students of ISB with a quality tennis program for all levels of tennis. Our current aim is to jump-start this program at the start of Term 2: October 29th.
Sign up for the PTC closes September 19th. On September 24th the members will be announced, forming the initial Parents Tennis Committee.  Please email to sign up for a position.

Ear Alert

by Kerri Fitzgerald

The Massed Band Festival (MBF) culminates in a rollicking concert on September 29th  in the Chevron at 2 pm. Put the date into your diary and bring your friends and family to enjoy this huge, boisterous sound! It will feature the best band students from schools in the Bangkok area. The concert will start on time and the doors will close 3 minutes before the performance starts as we are building good theatre etiquette in our students. So please arrive early to take your seats. Dress is semi formal and there will be an early intermission to allow younger listeners to depart if necessary without disrupting others.

There will be a reception following.

Instrumental Music Program

by Angela Kohl
The IMP is in the process of hiring a percussion teacher to teach on Wednesdays at ISB. A Percussionist teaches a broad category which includes playing the drum set as a small portion of what a percussionist does.  A drummer is usually a specialist on drum set when a percussionist refers to someone who plays all percussion instruments such as snare and bass drums, timpani, crash cymbals, gong, and all of the keyboard percussion instruments like xylophone, marimba, vibraphone just to name a few.  A percussionist also can play drum set but a drummer can not necessarily play all percussion instruments.  At ISB, like at many schools, all percussion instruments are taught through a concert band setting.  Taking percussion lessons would greatly enhance classroom performance as well as create a strong fundamental understanding of the instruments before taking drum set lessons.
Please contact the coordinator for more info (

ISB Adult Education Online Registration is Open!

by Ginger Duval

Here’s your chance to support your school while expanding your knowledge, learning a new skill, and enjoying time with others in our community.  The Adult Education Program is accepting online registration and payment until 3PM on Wednesday September 19th at    Sign up early so you make sure to get in to your favorite classes!

eNewsletter Guidelines

by Tony Arnold

ISB eNewsletters provide a valuable avenue for communication within the ISB parent community. For your convenience we have provided you with our eNewsletter guidelines below.

Submitting an announcement for publication
ISB accepts announcements from ISB families for potential publication in our eNewsletters. The announcements are generally intended to highlight events that occur at ISB.

What to include in the announcement
• A title for your announcement
• An email contact for further information

Where to submit your announcement
is for announcements of interest to the entire ISB community. is for Elementary School (ES) announcements of interest to ES families. is for Middle School (MS) announcements of interest to MS families. is for High School (HS) announcements of interest to HS families.

Your announcement will be submitted to the appropriate Principal and/or to our Marketing Director for review. ISB reserves the right to determine which announcements will and will not be published, and to edit announcements that are approved for publication.

Frequency of eNewsletter mailings
The ISB eNewsletter that is for the entire community is sent out on Thursdays. Announcements for potential publication in this newsletter must be received by noon on Thursdays.

The ES, MS, and HS eNewsletters are sent out on Fridays. Announcements for potential publication in these newsletters must be received by noon on Fridays.

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