Instrumental Music Program

by Angela Kohl
The IMP is in the process of hiring a percussion teacher to teach on Wednesdays at ISB. A Percussionist teaches a broad category which includes playing the drum set as a small portion of what a percussionist does.  A drummer is usually a specialist on drum set when a percussionist refers to someone who plays all percussion instruments such as snare and bass drums, timpani, crash cymbals, gong, and all of the keyboard percussion instruments like xylophone, marimba, vibraphone just to name a few.  A percussionist also can play drum set but a drummer can not necessarily play all percussion instruments.  At ISB, like at many schools, all percussion instruments are taught through a concert band setting.  Taking percussion lessons would greatly enhance classroom performance as well as create a strong fundamental understanding of the instruments before taking drum set lessons.
Please contact the coordinator for more info (
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