Dana Whiteley
Booster Club is your organization to promote and support ISB Athletics, the Fine and Performing Arts and the Academics by encouraging school spirit, hosting events and fundraising.
Booster Club has a very busy 2 weekends coming up:
(1) Saturday, September 15
Varsity girls’ and boys’ cross country and volleyball team EXCHANGE
International Schools from Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Singapore and Bangkok will be here at ISB
Varsity girls’ and boys’ soccer will be Singapore American School for the EXCHANGE
(2) Friday, September 28
(3) Weekend, September 28, 29
Soccer and Volleyball Friendship Tournament
For all these events, Booster Club will have a Spirit tent by the Rajendra gym. For September 15, the Spirit tent will be open from 8:00-4:30PM. We will also be selling Booster Hut items during these times. And Booster Club’s famous PANTHER POPS will make an appearance.
Booster Club is always looking for volunteers at these events. We look for parents to work 1 of 2 shifts selling food items, American candies, spirit items and drinks. Donations for baked goods are also very much welcomed. It helps if we can alternate and allow the parents to watch their student athlete play at these events while some of us work the Spirit events.
So please contact our Booster Club Vice President-Spirit/Events, Terri Alexander (tamc9190@yahoo.com) and let her how you can have fun with us while helping boost school spirit and “Panther Pride” at ISB*
But most of all, COME TO THE GAMES!!!!!
Come and be ready to do the Panther rumble,
put on as much black and gold as you can,
and make as much noise as you can to the ISB spirit events!
GO ISBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Dana Whiteley
2012-2013 Booster Club President