Panther Swim Team Registration Reminder

Contact email:

Don’t forget to Panther Swim Team registration on Saturday, August 25th.

Fittings for the team suit, distribution of the team t-shirt as well as an opportunity to buy goggles, fins and practice suits will take place in the ES Cafeteria. The Swim Shack (our swim shop) will be open and there will also be several vendors to help you obtain all necessary training equipment.

Please refer to the time schedule below for guidance on when to come for your swimmers team suit fitting. If you are unable to attend on Saturday, make up days will be available next week, although the other vendors will not be present.

We kindly request that you do your best to come for measurement during the following windows, but will work to accommodate you at anytime:

8:00-8:45                        Last Name beginning A through C
8:45 – 9:30                      Last Name beginning D through H
9:30-10:15                      Last Name beginning I through L
10:15-10:45                    Last Name beginning M through O
10:45-11:15                    Last Name beginning P through R
11:15-12:00                    Last Name beginning S, U, V
12:00-12:30                    Last Name beginning T, Z
12:30-1:00                      Last Name beginning W, Y

The Community Activity Office will be open from 8-12, and able to collect registration payment. Computers will be set up in the cafeteria if anyone needs assistance with the online registration.

About Tina

ES secretary
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