Counseling Center News

The second week has gone amazingly well with students seeming to settle in to the new year.  If you son/daughter is having any problems, though, please encourage him/her to see one of the counselors.  We’d like their year to get off to a good start.

Freshmen Seminars this week included meetings with the librarian, their own counselor (ask your student to name at least four Roles of the Counselor – perhaps he/she can tell you even more!), and with Mr. Bradley and Mr. Harter.

New Students – Counselors will be meeting with all of the new students twice next week.  First in a New Students Milk and Cookies social with the counselors on Monday after school (they have already received their invitation) and then also each new student will meet with his/her counselor one-on-one during the week as a check in to see how things are going.

Seniors met for a few minutes after the Safety Assembly on Tuesday with the counselors.  We reminded them that they will have a Senior Meeting with a counselor during their free period on either the 29th or 30th.  This meeting is an overview of getting started on their university application.  All seniors are required to come (even those who have a first period free!).  Please encourage them to be on time and to take notes!!  For students who do not have a free period, there will be a meeting during Flex period on the 30th.

Seniors: Parent Meeting @6:30pm on Thursday, August 30 in the MPB 2 & 3. The senior year can be very stressful and the more information that students and parents have about the university admissions process can at least ease some of that stress.  We would like to extend an invitation to all parents of 12th grade students to come on Thursday night.  The presentation will cover the process and procedures for students applications to universities and what needs to be done by the students.

All Students – Study skills and notetaking are both very important skills for a student at ISB.  On Monday, 27 August, Dr. Harper will be presenting a Study Skills Workshop in Room 203 from  2:15 – 3:00.  This session is open to all students grades 9 – 12.  We encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity

Upcoming Events:
Senior Parent Meeting – August 30 @ 6:30 MPB 2&3

University Visits:

We have over 90 universities coming to ISB before 1 November this year!  These are great opportunities for students to meet with the university representatives who will be reading their applications.  The visit schedules (most up-to-date) are on Naviance, the HS Bulletin and in this e-communication as well.  Parents are welcome to come join us but please remember that students may ask their questions first.  Visits usually take place at 10:20 in room 203.  College Fairs are held in the cafeteria.

University of Redlands Monday, August 27, 2012
Kwansei Gakuin University Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Macalester College Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Saint Mary’s College of California Wednesday, September 05, 2012
University of British Columbia Thursday, September 06, 2012
University of California at Los Angeles Monday, September 10, 2012
Carnegie Mellon University Monday, September 10, 2012
Case Western Reserve University Monday, September 10, 2012
Emory University  Emily Simmons Monday, September 10, 2012
New York University Monday, September 10, 2012
University of Rochester Monday, September 10, 2012

Another opportunity for our students:

The following universities will be in Bangkok at Bangkok Patana School on 9 September @ 7:00pm.  All students are welcome to attend.  The universities are: Duke University, Columbia University, Georgetown University, Northwestern University and Princeton University.  These are some heavy hitters and if you need more information about the schools, this would be a good event to attend. You may not have time for individual conversations, but it will be a wonderful opportunity for more information.

University Research Lab starts September 3 @ 2:15 in room 203 and will continue each Monday until November 12; any senior is encouraged to take advantage of this time to work with a counselor on your university application, on last minute research, signing up for the SAT, or any other help we can give.


SAT’s – All seniors who need to take the SAT need to register for the test BY SEPTEMBER 7TH!!!  There will be no standby, no late registration and no change of test allowed!!  Please make sure students understand this as it is a new College Board / ETS regulation.  All students must register on line – there will be no exceptions.  The first SAT test date is October 6 but the registration must be completed by September 7.  Be safe – register tonight!



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