Registration Information for Joining Boy Scouts

How About an Adventure?

ISB Boy Scouts prove themselves in an environment that challenges their courage and tests their nerve. After they’ve been given the proper guidance from those with experience and know-how, they take their own lead, going places they’ve never gone, seeing things they’ve never seen, and diving into the rugged world of outdoor adventure, relying on teamwork and character to accomplish what everyone else thinks is impossible.

Sound fun? The time for a real adventure is now!

The Boy Scouts of America is a youth organization open to all ISB boys ages 11 to 18. They provide an avenue for boys to develop character, leadership skills and promotes citizenship, personal health and fitness.

Scouting also brings kids and families together. Parents can participate in activities and can help lead a troop. Some with special skills can teach the Scouts survival skills to building websites.

The list of Eagle Scouts includes leaders from all parts of life –former US Presidents and Astronauts to industry leaders like Stephen Spielberg, Bill Gates.

Registration and Information Night

Parents – August 27th – 6:30 to 8:00 PM –

Location – ISB Elementary School MPR

Annual Registration Fee 3,500 baht

First Troop Meeting – September 4th– 6:30 to 7:30 PM – ISB Elementary School MPR –

Troop Meetings every Tuesday, Every Month Camping Trip, Summer Camp opportunities

Contacts – Mr Pete Jensen – Scout Master – – 081-906-4465

Mr David Peters – Committee Chair – – 085-828-8877


Attachment: How About an Adventure

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