ES: Message from Kelly and Diana

‘The heroes of today are not those who love to display their knowledge, but those who are virtuoso investigators, questioners and problem-solvers’ Guy Claxton.

It has been delightful to welcome all 700 ES students and their families to the 2012-13 school year this week.  Corridors and classrooms filled with smiling, curious and unique individuals are what really make ISB sparkle! We hope your children have enjoyed a happy first week and look forward to learning and growing with them this year.

ISB is a school that focuses quite determinedly on improving student learning. Our Definition of Learning demands that we put student learning at the center of our decision making process:  we are constantly asking, will this help our students?  A new school year has parents often asking a similar question: how can I help my child learn at home?  In his book, ‘What’s the Point of School?,’ Guy Claxton offers an excellent series of tips for raising ‘virtuoso investigators, questioners and problem-solvers.’  We hope you find it inspiring as you set about establishing effective learning habits for your children for the year ahead.

Kelly Armitage

Diana Drummond

Tips for Raising Learners

  • Be a visible learner for your children
  • Involve children in adult conversations
  • Let them spend time with you while you are doing difficult things
  • Involve children in family decisions
  • Tell your children stories about your learning difficulties
  • Encourage children to spend time with people who have interesting things to share
  • Don’t rush in too quickly to rescue children when they are having difficulties
  • Restrain the impulse to teach
  • Don’t praise too much – use interest rather than approval
  • Acknowledge the effort, not the ‘ability’
  • Make clear boundaries and maintain them
  • Don’t over stimulate – boredom breeds imagination
  • Choose multi-purpose and open-ended toys
  • Encourage different kinds of computer use
  • Talk to children about the process of learning (without offering too much advice)
  • Watch and learn from your children’s learning

Ref. Claxton, G.(2008) ‘What’s the Point of School? Rediscovering the Heart of Education.’  One World: Oxford

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