Message from HS Counselors

A very warm welcome to all of the new students and parents as well as a rousing nice to see you back to the returning students and families.  It has been a good first week and the counselors have been able to meet with all of the Freshmen for Freshmen Seminar classes.  On the first day, each counselor was also able to meet with their 11th grade students and 12th grade students for a few minutes in large group settings.  We are looking forward to meeting with each student individually in the coming months.

Looking Ahead:

Seniors – counselors will be meeting with Seniors individually in the coming weeks but please note on your calendar that there will be Senior Meetings on 29 and 30 August for the students and a Parent Meeting for 12th grade parents on 30 August at 6:30pm.

University Visits:

We have over 90 universities coming to ISB before 1 November this year!  These are great opportunities for students to meet with the university representatives who will be reading their applications.  The visit schedules (most up-to-date) are on Naviance, the HS Bulletin and in this e-communication as well.  Parents are welcome to come join us but please remember that students may ask their questions first.  Visits usually take place at 10:20 in room 203.  College Fairs are held in the cafeteria.

University of Redlands                                 August 27

Kwansei Gakuin University                            August 28

Macalester College                                       September 5

Saint Mary’s College of California                 September 5

University of British Columbia                      September 6

University of California at Los Angeles         September 10

Carnegie Mellon University                           September 10

Case Western Reserve University                September 10

Emory University   Emily Simmons                 September 10

New York University                                    September 10

University of Rochester                               September 10

We look forward to an exciting academic year and to getting to know each student.  Please remember we are help.

The High School Counselors,

Cathy, Debbie, Kevin, Jeff and Andy

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