Grade 12 Gate Passes

In this final year of High School, Grade 12 students are offered the privilege of entering and exiting campus in non-committed time during the school day.  This privilege is known as the Senior Gate Pass.  If you have a grade 12 child, he or she may apply for a gate pass by reading and signing their agreement to the guidelines outlined on the gate pass form. Parents must sign their approval as well.  This form is available in the HS office.
Students are not insured under ISB’s insurance when they are off campus during school hours.
It is important to note that this privilege comes because we expect a mature level of responsibility from students at this age.  Students are expected to adhere to all ISB rules of conduct, even when off campus during school hours.  Behavior that negatively reflects on ISB during school hours is acted upon. They must be on time to all their classes.  Off campus issues are not an excuse for tardiness.  If students can’t adhere to these guidelines, the privilege will be lost temporarily or permanently.
This is a wonderful privilege for grade 12 students.  We trust that they will conduct themselves safely and appropriately.  We encourage parents to consider carefully whether this is a privilege for which their child is ready. Parents and ISB should remove the privilege if students cannot handle it responsibly.  Questions about Senior Gate Passes should be directed to HS Vice Principal, Dennis Harter.
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